
She is very important today, just want to keep her for yourself, but you think it is stuffy, too difficult, constrained. Then there will be days when she feels no need, no matter where you are, where to go, what to do.
Today, all the best, most precious things she has, are for you. You see the quarter or not, that is your choice.
Just want to remind you, do not think someone will not live without me, I forever is very important to someone.
The truth is, whatever kind of affection, no matter how deep, but if it is denied, hurtful, careless, then there will be days when it really goes away, disappears, no longer belongs to you too.
Just scared at that time, you again need it, miss it, but lost it.
Only then will you realize that you love her, do not find anyone who can be so good to you, she does not love you anymore.
At that time looking to rebuild, it will be extremely difficult

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