We've Come Full Circle — Repurposing My Steemit Content for Kindle Releases!

Today I'm back to write a little. I know! It's been a while.

I think this is a happy post, because I learned how to publish to Kindle today. What this means is that some of my blogs from Steemit will be pulled and recompiled for eBooks under the author name S H E L L O. So if you haven't already read them, it's your last chance! (somewhat kidding) I was always intending on doing this in some medium because of how the way Steemit works, but I was having so much fun that the time I had reached the unknowable better I was aiming before to self-publish, I had forgotten this was the goal I was working towards all along.

A whole 6 months later, and I've returned to make good on that goal of mine.


What do I mean "How the way Steemit works?"

Voting posts and having published content be relevant for a week, before being buried by spam. Or the illusion that only current events hold value, and timeless pieces get lost in the dark. I feel that my perception of progress with my own writing became dulled, by not being reminded of past achievements. The only indicator of my past adventures represented as a large number next to my name.

One of the reasons I'll be moving some of my content, is that I feel the writings are timeless in nature. Although appreciated in the past, will never see the light of day unless I publish it elsewhere with the possibility of search engines and larger audiences. I've spilled myself into many of my posts, and now more than ever I want to share my experiences with others, and teach lessons to any that may be searching for them.

When I woke up today, I didn't think I'd be posting a blog... But being here now, I find it fitting. My normal days consist of working my night job as a hostess, and still attending college. I'm in System Analysis now—so hey, school's looking good. It feels so quiet coming back here. As if all has moved on... or maybe just myself.



I mean, I clearly could have moved my content without saying anything at all. Would it have mattered? To whom am I writing this post to? This blog is for anyone following me, to know that I didn't just disappear forever. That's something I like about Steemit. No requirement to post a certain amount at any given time, and a simple UI devoid of anxiety. Looking back now, I wouldn't have improved my writing at all if I had not come here.

Human interaction however, I overload too easy. A part of me is still in fear of how many unread messages I have waiting for me in Discord... Or if anyone misses me. I literally didn't go anywhere! Right here, same @shello, different year.

So, what is this post trying to say?

I'm going to work on revising my previous content for release to new audiences, but y'know—since I'm already here, I should make a post every now and then. I do miss everyone and all of this, yet everyone exists outside of the screen too right? I wanted to say hello though.





Hi! c:

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