How To Make Your Love Lasting Forever?

On the mark of national divorce rate with up to 50% , people try harder in understanding what makes the relationship last longer? Right from the day 1 of proposal to the stage when divorce is applied, there are many little important things which needs to be a appreciated are ignored. Your proposal might be an interesting one but to carry the same spark ,you need the appreciation in all the upcoming days. Without appreciation, even the best love will become boring. To make your relationship last forever, everyone should follow these simple things in every day.

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1. Do Some Amazing Thing

Do something amazing and incorporate into his memory like save his favorite movie songs, favorite movies into a CD and gift to him unreasonably. So whenever he/she listen to those he will remember you.

2.Call With A Cute Nickname

No matter how long you be in relationship or how many years have passed, calling each other with a nickname will strengthen the relationship. Pick a special nickname and call your girlfriend/boyfriend in such a way. If you find struggle in finding a nickname refer cute names to call your girlfriend / boyfriend around the net. Calling each other with a reason based nickname always wins. For example, if he/she always have a kind and lovable heart, you could call him lovey.

3. Repeat Something Regularly

Calling your boyfriend/girlfriend in a way you like to like to be called is awesome. But what if you are doing the things he/she likes every week. Doing the likable is mandatory anyway . For example you prepare his favorite dish, or bring him to his favorite stand up comedy. When he starts to expect these things from you, the love between you both will become even stronger.

4. Spend Your Time In The Eye Gazing

If you have been in love for few months, then it's not a new thing to do. Every new lovers do it naturally. It is not just to keep the romance alive but to strengthen the relationship in a way stronger the words. Even if you fight with each other, gazing into the eyes will solve the problem and turn into a romance.

5. Get Your Partners Heart Rate Up

Make your partner laugh when he even refuse to smile. If you do so, your partners feeling with you will feel more excited. Making a roller coaster ride, taking up a balloon trip or going on bunchy jumping anything that relates to danger will be taken up easily for you. All it shows how deeply he/she is loving you.

6. Behave Nicely To Someone He/She Loves

Showing kindness to all is okay but showing love to someone he loves will earn the extra credit. It may be his/her sister, brother, friend, mom or dad. Note down their birthdays or some other special events and gift them with the special thing unexpectedly. These activities will show him that people are important for him will be more important for you.

7.Raise Your Voice (Nicely)

You need to call your partner with a nick name, appreciate his/her with a love note. You need to raise your voice often telling him how much you love him/her or miss him/her through a simple love note. Write a love poem and keep it in a place where he/she sees the most. When he/she knows that is written for them they will be more happy.

8.Summarize Your Loving Moments

In all the days you are in love with someone, you could have most of the wonderful moments. Capture those moments and make a memorable gift. This item may be a video and collection of photos put into a portrait. Lovers have doing these from all the time for the only reason because it works.

9.Maximize Your Love Chemicals

Our body is made up of chemicals and feelings. Both are integrated together like blood and flesh. Anything that affects our feelings will affect our body's reaction. Brain cells known as Oxytocin is responsible for the love and attachment. It's a hormone that entitle the bonding, love and trust. You can boost this hormone by seeing the romance movies together, holding hands and cuddling. Long lasting eye contact will boost your love like nothing else. According to survey, men usually have 500% more chemicals boosting up after making a love. Due to too busy in job and all other reasons these chemical boost up are just ignored.

By following all these tricks, you can easily make your love long lasting forever. Hope these are useful to anyone who is going through a hard time in making the relationship survive.

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