How to be okay being alone


Top rules for being alone and being happy about it

  1. Understand 'You' are all that you need.

In the world of extroverts, ones friends' network and their skills to handle themselves in a crowd are appreciated much, nevertheless, it's not the only goal we strive for at the end of the day. Being an extrovert and not enjoying the company of self won't bring in much happiness. One must always enjoy the 'me time', however with social media hijacking our life introspection or knowing oneself has made an exit. Thence when you are alone, remind yourself that you choose to be alone.

  1. Value others but 'You' come first.

Value what others say, but most importantly value yourself. Know what you need, and seek your own advice. When we trust our problem-solving skills we become much stronger and more confident. You can take challenges which you felt incapable of doing before.

  1. Be a good listener

Listening works wonder, it helps know the person you are interacting with, creates a better bond and also acts as a magic potion to deal with your anxiety if you are battling the same. A good listener can always be a good friend one can look up to.

  1. Appreciate the silence in darkness

Life is busy, there are times we need to step back and relax. Close your eyes and enjoy the silence the darkness beholds. It gives the true purpose of your life and helps you make better judgments as nothing exist at that point to distract you. Meditation helps too.

  1. Talk to 'You'

Remember, You are your own bff, don't forget to talk to 'you'. Holding a conversation with self is not a sign of insanity but it is always the best way to hear your inner voice. It is easy to silence the voice with the noise around, it is required to invoke the inner voice as helps you be kind to yourself.

  1. Rearrange your upholstery

We often fall prey to patterns, however, if the patterns are regular, it is boring. It's a common human psychology to resist meaningful change.
Keeping this in mind let's start with meaningless change, e.g. Changing the direction of your furniture or anything for that matter. It gives us a new perspective and a pauses the mundane.

  1. Create, recreate, Create

As a child we all had hobbies, never get rid of it. Recreate your childhood, create what you love, do it all by yourself. If you want to be happy never stick your happiness with people around you, stick it with what you love doing, make use of your lone time it helps.

😎 Travel alone

Be your own travel buddy, for once try looking the world through your eyes. It's always a better place to live in. Go watch a movie alone, or probably go for shopping. Do the wildest thing you thought of, alone, life is too short to regret about things not done. Never let anybody's words direct you.

  1. Volunteer for a good cause

It is always nice to contribute something good to the world. Being alone and happy does not mean you subtract yourself from the rest. It means you surround yourself with people but your happiness does not depend on them. It's your time, make good use of it.

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