A brief plea for logic and reason

In this often common climate of religious and political ideology defining the bulk of ones general world view, it is difficult sometimes to find a middle ground with those who wish to seek truth, but are unwilling to part with their greatest comforts in the face of evidence. There are numerous ways that one can turn a blind eye to evidence that challenges even the most easily disprovable falsehoods, and one of those topics where this is most evident is in the race for space travel. In the light of overwhelming evidence that man can exist and thrive in space, a large collective force has arisen that often proves as a stick in the spokes to an otherwise well greased wheel. The intention of the generally well meaning person in society is to live a life which is best suited for the survival and welfare of the group as well as certain necessary selfishness it takes to strive. However. too often it is the selfish opinion of the well meaning individual that sometimes distorts and clouds the ability to latch an intended good world view onto a solid set of evidence and have them exist in parallel. Factually stated claims require postive evidence, and in the modern era, all to often evidence is but a thorn in the side of the appealing fantasy land that seems well within reach to the person who dares to dream hard enough.

In reference to the race for space travel and colonization, the only obstacle that often arises is the inability to set aside petty differences to work together in tandem to achieve such outrageous goals. The act of colonizing Mars is not in itself an impossibility, no matter how distantly achievable it may appear, and largely is hampered by the infighting and bickering of nations that would rather get there first instead of reach the goal at the same time together. There is no wish for domination or gain in the minds of the general public, but in the eyes of corporate or political interest, it is a prime objective that often breeds conflict. A collaborative effort is highly necessary in order to achieve goals that are far beyond the past endeavors of the common person, and without the mass efforts of the billions that inhabit the earth, no such goal as interstellar space travel will be possible as the distances and energies require to traverse even a fraction of local spacetime are inconceivable at the current moment. But, who develops these technologies? People. For corporate interests and rarely privatized industry. It is the individual who has to contribute their person efforts and skill set to making a team that will create a device to get other humans to the next goal. This "lemmings" methodology applies in the following way, as no level can be completed without assigned tasks based on skills, in the greater picture of completely conquering an otherwise impossible objective.

In 2018, logic and reason must be the tools with which to find these fanciful musings manifest in the reality we all live in each day of our lives. There must be an action equal to the imagination, or there will just be wishful thinking. In order for this to happen, a balance must arise that is difficult in a society in which personal, subjective comforts like deeply seated religious or political identity take control of the critical faculties which are necessary to efficiently finish a task such as space travel (only as an example and not exclusively). It takes the willingness to have deeply held beliefs challenged at every corner and the desire to abandon non-working theories/views to see the greater truth that may not always match our expectations. I believe with perseverance and a willingness to surrender the things we find comforting for the exchange of the full majesty of the universe, we will be unstoppable and finally be prepared as a species to see the moment of creation to know it's true nature. Until then, it will forever lie as distance darkness clouded in speculation, tinged with the personal illusions we cast in the denial of the evidence the cosmos so plentifully provides.

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