How I Discovered Crypto-Currency & Loans on BTCPOP and Getline

My passion and desire to be a great storyteller has taken me places I would have never dreamed of and the experiences I have been thru have been one amazing journey. Met awesome people and a few great communities as well... Here's my story

Looking for Answers

It was around March when I just wrapped the first season shooting my first network television show. I drove home from Dalllas that night and immediately begin planning for the offseason. I knew my agent would get me gigs and I would continue booking work as an actor but for the mean time... I was on my own. Once again, temporarily unemployed until season 2 was ready.

I googled endlessly trying to find the easiest source of income to help me maintain a suitable lifestyle I was accustomed to. I applied for loans and grants to possibly help fund not only my film production I do on the side.. but also to help me pay bills, get into a new apartment and money to eat... not to mention taking care of my little boy. I need a bout $5,000 dollars a month to be able and maintain all this and I need a solution fast.

I was hopeless, back to square one... a starving actor, another statistic in a world full of dying statistics... I felt like I had something other artist lacked. I just had to find it.. couldn't quite put my finger on it then this happened...


I learned of the thing called cryptocurrency, bitcoin... "internet money"

Are you freaking kidding me?

I started researching... maybe there was a way to get in on this "hype" I've been missing out on for years... I have been promoting myself and looking for answers in all the wrong places.

I finally found a community that was a perfect fit...


A community of social and active investors and borrowers looking to build reputation on this idea of trust. I joined the community and started observing how this community engaged with one another. Learning what I could by actively chatting with other members who were looking for a "good investment"

It was here that I learned about Whales, investing, loans, and also where I realized a fundamental tool was missing.

Before I get into that story let me remind you I was completely new to this crypto currency game. I jumped in head first and applied for a bogus amount of a loan expecting to get funded. DUH you gotta start from the bottom and THEN TELL EM "Now your here" Let's just say I gave everyone a good laugh with my initial requested amount of 6 BITCOIN (with no borrow history OR collateral to offer)

Anyways... despite my popularity here in the states.. I realized I had to earn the trust of investors... I was a little offended when I was initially tagged a scammer using a "celebrity name." I realized on my 2nd attempt.. the option to add a video was available.


As a filmmaker I see things that might be overlooked by others... The fact that this site offered an option to present your loan with a video presentation was my winning ticket. I used my clever style and technique to draft up a video for investors to check out when reviewing my request and sure enough.. I was funded in nearly 5 minutes after listing my loan request.

My 2nd attempt loan request

Since then I have been an active and contributing member of the POP community and have met some really cool people on there. I haven't been able to get the funding I need but I have built a nice amount of reputation and trust for me to hang on just enough till we start shooting season 2 of Queen of the South. They were a huge contributor to the production of #HiglandPark the series

The crypto-world can be a harsh community towards any newb trying to get in.. Once you are, you realize why by either learning the hard way with scammers and ponzi's or by learning from others mistakes. POP is a community of good people looking to help other good people. If you are a honest borrower, have collateral and looking to catch a break. Check them out here and when you do.. don't be afraid to ask questions and pick each others brains.. while your at it.. give me a shout out as well.

SIDE NOTE A while back I made the mistake of transferring to the wrong account in an attempt to "cash out" I sent that request to @bitrex who was assumed to be a fake account. @bitrex was kind enough to return that income. We at BTCPOP would like to offer @bitrex an opportunity to come check us whenever you need a loan as we are always looking for honest people to help fund.. such as you

As I continued to build my credit and reputation with POP. Another fellow member approached me about a slightly different opportunity to help with funding... This wasn't necessarily a loan... but more of a "Line of Credit"


Another original idea to bring opportunity to honest borrowers with a chance to build credit, trust and reputation. Getline is a growing community still it's very early stages but growing exponentially. They offer you a small line of credit and you continue to build from there. Verification is done by using video and linking your facebook account so you can prove you are indeed "who you say YOU are"
My actual video verification video

It's very simple and easy to apply... you select how you want to payback and choose your preferred interest rate. Investors will see your profile and decide whether to grant you a line of credit.

If you are an investor and interested in funding my business plan and rasiing the production value of my videos you can find my Getline profile here

Once again this is an active community of honest investors and borrowers who communicate and develop business relationships so the thriving crypto community can continue to boom in success.

I discovered the world of crypto currency and boy have I enjoyed the rewards 10 fold. If you are in need of a loan or looking for someone to give you a second chance.. give these 2 sites a try to see if you qualify. Even if you don't.. become an active member and learn from the rest of the community.. build others will take notice.

Your opportunity to grow in this crypto world is right at your fingertips.. I'm just pushing you a little further ahead.

Till next time...
Adios Amigos


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