Self care

Self care
Something so important so important but so unutilised.
Although i do feel sad that i didn't go to camp with my kids, but i am so glad that i did not.
Because i had the time to do some self care. I gave myself time to relax, did some aromatherapy, lie in bed and enjoy some youtube video. Reorganised my cupboard, spent quality time with win win. I took my time doing the things that i love. And i did the stuff that is long on my to do list. I renewed my license, cleaned the car, washed it. And i cleared my mind. I took time to reaccessed my goals, and realised that i did accomplished some of the goals, my mental clarity came back and i amazed myself with what my mind can do.

I always wanted to minimise my wardrobe to a capsule wardrobe, but i have always had a messy one. Now i finally organise it, then i realised i only have about 30 pieces of going out clothing and i subconsciously have been minimising. I finally realised how strong the power of attraction, but i need to love and care for myself in order to know where i am at in my life.


This is my going out clothes plus work clothes (excluding the ones that is waiting to be washed)

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