Late Night Steemit Cafe #25: The Culprit

Today when you enter the cafe you find a circle of people... well, beings, standing in the middle of the cafe. Among them is Blue Henry, the blue cloud with black tentacles writhing out of it, the cloaked figure from that time with the fruit, the giant orange hamster, and a couple of ordinary people.

The Manager is walking circles around the circle of people, occasionally stopping to squint at one. He perks up when you enter.

"Ah! Traveler, is it good to see you! You see, I'm in need of someone of discerning character to help me figure out a little caper that's taken place in my humble establishment."

He points toward the circle.

"One of my patrons here as taken something of particular value from behind the bar. As you know it is strictly forbidden for customers to come behind the bar, for their own good as well as mine. But now it's happened, and I need to get it sorted sooner rather than later. Can you help me?"

You ask what exactly it is that he wants you to do.

"Well I'm sure it'll be nothing much for one such as you. I need you to suggest some way that we can resolve this. As I said, the emphasis is on getting the item back."

After thinking for a few moments, you make a suggestion that had worked for someone you knew long ago. The Manager thinks a few moments as the creatures and people in the circle begin to get restless.

"That might work. But you know, your suggestion has given me an even better idea." He turns to the circle. "Alright, everyone. I don't know who took it and I don't care why. I just need it back. So everyone's going to close their eyes, and when we open them the item will be back in the center of this circle you are all standing in. Everyone, close your eyes and count to ten. Slowly."

He looks at you. "Goes for you and me too, I'm afraid."

You close your eyes...


When you open them again a little black box is in the middle of the cafe.

"Great," The Manager says winking in your direction. "Now lets have no further mishaps in the future."

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Late Night Steemit Cafe #24: Chatter

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