Late Night Steemit Cafe #22: The Mind Palace

When you enter today you spot The Manager sitting alone in the middle of the cafe floor, legs crossed and eyes closed. It looks very like he is meditating, but when he hears you enter he opens his eyes.

"Hello there, Traveler. Welcome once again. I need you to remember something for me. You ready?" he says. Then, without pausing or explanation: "Eggs, tomatoes, scuba diver, tennis racket, fork, spoon, hula hoop, mouse, baby, light bulb. You get it? Good. Now close your eyes and repeat every single item perfectly."

Try as you might and despite having The Manager repeat it several times, you can't quite get it. He gestures for you to sit across from him. You do.

"I was just visiting my mind palace before you arrived. It's a mental place that you can make to keep memories. To remember things. Seems like you could maybe find it useful. Here, I'll teach you."

You are dubious, but are used to putting up with The Manager's antics.

"For your fist palace, you'll want to base it on some place you know real, real well. Maybe the house where you grew up. Maybe your grandmother's house. Perhaps some establishment you used to frequent. I'll give you a moment to think on it."

Moments pass and The Manager is still looking at you eagerly.

"You got it? Great. Now. Put the eggs on the driveway as you walk up to it in your mind. Great. Now put the tomatoes right in front of the front door. Really imagine it. Good. Just as you open the door the scuba diver is there to greet you smiling and waving and in full gear. He's waving a tennis racket. In the first room put a giant, dancing fork. The move to a second room. There you can put a spoon spinning in mid-air. Go into the kitchen or third room. Put the hoola hoop here. The mouse will go in the bedroom. He's sleeping. The baby is in the bathroom and he's at the top of a ladder changing a lightbulb.

"Did you get all of that? Take a moment. Go over it again in your mind's eye. I'll wait again."

"Alright, Traveler," The Manager says with a smile. "Now close your eyes, Traveler. Recite all of the items back to me."

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Life Lessons Steemit Taught Me

Other Nights:

Late Night Steemit Cafe #19: The Sand in the Jar

Late Night Steemit Cafe #18: The Clock

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