Late Night Steemit Cafe #20: A Normal Day

When you walk in today The Manager is looking around confusedly. He looks at his reflection in the mirror behind the bar and waves at himself. He walks over to the cuckoo clock on the wall opposite the bar and move its hands, waiting for an effect. He presses a button next to the clock and a metallic ball descends from the ceiling. He stares into it, squinting his eyes.

He spots you.

"I must admit, Traveler, I am quite worried. The strangest thing to happen in my little cafe is happening now. That is, nothing is acting strangely. Looks like we have a Normalcy Storm."

You raise an eyebrow, but he pats you on the shoulder.

"Now don't worry, friend. I can see you're about to panic," he says, looking around in something very much like a panic himself. "You know how sometimes things get weird in your world?" he says, "Well, that's a Strangeness Storm. The opposite happens here."

You think what could calm him down. It's odd to see him act this way.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Traveler," he says, again responding as if hearing your thoughts. It really is an uncanny ability of his. "How about you tell me something strange that happened to you recently?" he suggests. "Why, by the time you're done I'll be the storm will have passed."

It's a good idea. But what's the strangest thing that happened to your recently.

He looks at you pensively, waiting...

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Other Nights:

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Late Night Steemit Cafe #18: The Clock

Late Night Steemit Cafe #17: A Breath on the Window

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