Late Night Steemit Cafe #16: Closed for Repairs

Today when you approach the cafe you notice it looks... different. Almost like it's somehow been shattered or blurred. It occurs to you that it's not a great idea to go in.

"Your instincts are correct, Traveler," The Manager pipes in heavily. You notice that he is over to the side of the cafe at a small cart on which is laid a large pot of coffee and several bottles of wine. Next to the cart are two or three tables at which a few people sit.

"Cafe's currently closed, Traveler. Most who came left, but if you insist on staying this will have to do."

You sit after as he goes to get your usual. When he comes back you ask what happened.

"Oh, well, you know reality can be a bit fragile around here. It's going to take some time for the sprites to get it clear. We have to clear out because the Old Ones sometimes try to push through where the real and the decidedly unreal meet."

He nods cheerily and pats you on the shoulder reassuringly. But from inside you can hear something moving. Sliding. Grumbling.

"Pay it no mind, Traveler," he says. But he looks over to the noise himself. After a moment he looks back over to you. "If you have any strange dreams you let me know."

Then leaning in closer so the other customers can't hear: "These things, they have a way of following us if we are not careful," he says. "Of making us see things."

And you hope he's right, because you are sure something is slithering behind his eyes.

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