Sustainable development #9 Sustainable energy

In my previous post i discussed energy resources, today i will be writing on sustainable energy.
There is increasing demand for energy to use in our industries, homes, farms, the use of non-renewable energy is not sustainable because they are depleted when used and affects the environment negatively.

sustainable energy is energy that meets the needs of the present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable energy is about finding clean, renewable sources of energy sources that renew themselves, rather than sources that can be depleted. Sustainable energy is energy that we will never use up or deplete. It is inexhaustible.

Sustainable energy is also known as green energy

Green energy includes natural energetic processes that can be harnessed with little pollution. Green power is electricity generated from renewable energy sources.

Renewable energy is a sustainable because they can be quickly replenish themselves they are sometimes called infinite energy resources.
Solar Energy: Energy from the sun in the form of light is captured in solar panel and converted into electricity, these energy is very suitable in the tropics because of the availability of sunlight all round the year. Manufacturing and installing solar panel can be costly.
Solar panel

Wind Energy: wind turbine convert wind energy into electricity, they are usually many in wind farms. They are installed in region of abundant wind usually coastal areas.
Wind Turbines

Geothermal Energy: this energy is harnessed in volcanic active regions. Cold water is pumped into the ground and comes out as heat used to power turbines that is used for generating electricity. Iceland uses geothermal energy to meet its energy consumption.
Geothermal power station

Hydro Electric Power (H.E.P): this energy is gotten from the movement of lake, streams, rivers and dams, power generating turbines are installed on these moving water to generate electricity. Dams can cause environmental problems such as flooding and have major impact on the ecology.
HydroElectric Dam

Tidal Energy: a tidal barricade is built across estuaries forcing water through furrow gaps, this movement drive turbines which generate energy.
Underwater Turbines

Achieving energy sustainability will require changes in the way energy is supplied and used(minimizing the amount of energy needed to deliver goods and services). The use of green energy is the key to attaining economic and environmental sustainability.


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