The Most Important Thing You Can Do Today

It's Monday and we are knee deep in another work week. Today, there is something you can do that will make your day better... actually, it will make any day better.


Do you know how lucky you are? 

Do you know how many people would trade their lives for every aspect of yours?

Do you know how lucky you really are?

If you realize that your life is better than millions of other people in the world, it will help you appreciate what you have. It doesn't matter who you are... if you are reading this blog on a computer or phone, you are better off than millions of people and have more opportunity than any generation before us.

With the power of the Internet and even the power of Steemit, we can learn new skills and ways to make money that fit our desires. The people in the above video don't have the opportunity to live out their desires. They have to live to survive. We are living in such a unique time and opportunity is all around us. Some people don't have that opportunity.

Not only do we have more opportunity than millions and millions of people, we have the ability to help those in need as well. And there are a lot of people in need.


Take a moment to gain perspective. Understand how lucky you really are and seize on all the opportunities before you. Don't waste your time scrolling on Facebook or watching preseason NFL, focus on what opportunities you can grow from and what you can do to make more money. 

Then take some of that money, and help someone or many people in the best way you know how. 


Gain perspective and quit all your complaining and worrying and just seize the opportunities you have, because there are so many out there that would do almost anything to have your opportunities. 

Good luck today and go do something great.

To my followers, you are the perspective that keeps me focused. 

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