It's enough, never again


I seriously wonder when it finally stops?
Almost every month you hear again about a masaker in a school or at an event.
Why can it be that the gun lobby finds more hearing than our children, our parents or friends?
You do not remember? Then I want to help you on the jumps!

Feb. 2018 Parkland 17✟
Nov. 2017 Texas 26✟
Oct. 2017 Las Vegas 58✟
Feb. 2016 Kalamazoo 6✟
July. 2016 Orlando 49✟
Dec. 2015 San Bernardino 14✟
Sep. 2013 Washington DC 12✟
April. 2012 Oakland 7✟
July. 2012 Aurora 12✟
Dec. 2012 Newton 27✟
Oct. 2011 LA 8✟

In 11 killing sprees here alone 236 people have been killed
Enough is enough.
Rise up against this madness, shout it out loud!
Do not let it go on and on.

Maybe you do not think it's any of your business, it's all very far away from your home. But ask yourself, where is it next?
I never want this to be divorced, but if you get the call that has had too many parents or you hear on the radio, something has happened at your children's school. Just this idea should make you think about your attitude towards weapons.

There is no country in the world where more people die from molestation than in the US. Yes, it is a big country with many inhabitants, but even if we look at Europe, for example, a whole continent, even there these numbers are not reached. And I'm not talking about suicide bombers doing their acts politically motivated.
This is often about students who come from all classes of the population, the social environment does not matter.

It can happen anywhere, anytime.

Since you have my opinion, please give me an upvote

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