Good News: New Graphics Card Coming Soon, And So Return of Live Streams


So a former roommate of mine who has owed me money for some time will be paying me this week. I should have enough for the RX 560 4GB card, even with the current prices, and that should get me back up and running properly for my live streams too. It's possible if I see a deal for something better than that, that I may go for something better instead, but for now, the plan is n RX 560 4GB card.

I'm not exactly sure when I'll have this, but once it's in, I will start doing my streams again.

And actually, I did manage to get the stream working more reasonably, albeit a bit blurry, in my most recent test. I'm considering continuing the live streams after all with the current card. I will decide by tomorrow evening what I want to do there. The main issue I'm going to have at the moment is that the stream is going to be very low resolution, and quite blurry if you view it in the DLive stream player's default size. I will record a replay locally, however, and that should be at a better resulotion, should I decide to continue it on this current graphics card temporarily.

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