A new challenger has apeared! (well, introduced by a friend)

Well Hello internet!  

Welcome to my blog! I know, I know, it looks a little bit empty so far but I'll fill it with the things I enjoy the most...literature! pretty pictures! stories! maybe some gaming stuff! I don't know what else yet, but I'll come here every now and then to put some stuff up and see this little space grow a lot!

But first things first, who am I? and how did I get here?

Well, this website was first mentioned to me by some classmates that were entertaining themselves with a brand new social media platform. They are very passionate about it because they all study computer related stuff, coding and all that jazz (that I don't know anything of!) and they seemed to have fun. Later on, I asked about this to someone that lives in my dorm and he got all excited about this because he's very passionate about cryptocurrency (another mysterious thing to me) and told me to give it a shot. 

I like it because it's a blog, a thing I haven't touched in years, but it's a place where I can put the things I write (more so, a way to make me be more consistent about writing!) and a nice way to practice my written english, grammar and all the stuff. 

Spanish is my native tongue so I might put the stories and texts here in their original language as well for the Spanish speaking Steemit comunity.

Also, I would love to have some constructive criticisim! and I am very sorry in advance for any awful grammar mistakes I might be commiting! correct me so I can learn too!

Things to know about me

  • The main thing I'll post here is going to be fiction that I write myself, but I would love this to function as some sort of personal diary too, as well as pretty pictures of the places I go to and the adventures I live
  • I'm some sort of a romantic driven writer half of the time, half of it it's fantasy driven, so you can expect me writing poetry about how pretty my boyfriend is and the next time you look I might be talking about dragons, so don't get too used to the same topic being touched 
  • My real name is not Agnes, but that's the name I like going for when I'm writing, a little like when Anne Rice and Stephen King publish things with fake names and stuff. It helps me keep the fantasy alive~
  • No worries, I am a girl at least, that part it's true>>>> I'm a 21 year old college student that splits between engeneering in materials science and literature, currently living in Venezuela. I have both my parents alive and well, and a little brother as well. 
  • I'm currently in a relationship with someone that I deem very interesting, I'll tell you about him in other posts
  • I'm very passionate about enviromentaly friendly technology and news! Taking care of the planet is serious bussiness!
  • I'm currently in a process of personal self discovery about my politic tendencies and religious preferences. So far, I've discovered I don't like comunism or anything alike , and I do believe there is some sort of superior power that cannot be seen or touched but I don't think I can call it any god yet...
  • Altought I don't manage social media very well, I do have a instagram account that remains private, but I am into these websites about the following of the forms of art that I enjoy a lot, so if you have too, care to give me a follow there if you like! :

-For Movies!

-For books!

- I also watch anime a lot, but I'll be adding something to follow that in later posts

  • I love any kind of food, in a picky eater contest I would lose horribly because I eat practically anything! Except for avocado and anchovies. Althought I eat avocado in sushi so I would only reject Anchovies for real. 
  • I used to practice basketball back in high school, the only sport I play now is walking home and riding a bycicle when I feel I'm getting too heavy
  • I don't watch a lot of tv but I love watching stand up comedy sometimes (I looooove Kevin Hart! and Dave Chapelle, I used to like Chelsea Handler a lot and Sarah Silverman too)
  • If I need to watch anything really I almost always use my laptop, youtube is my television, fellas. Also I compulsively watch RuPaul's Drag Race every time a new season arrives!
  • Stephen King is my favorite writer. My dream is to be old and have a huge spooky house and a dog just like him. Also the living out of publishing books, that part too

Anyways! That's everything my mind comes up with for the moment, so follow me and stay tunned for lots of stuff from me! See you around and I hope to make tons of friends here! Good night!

PS: I only put a pic of my lips because it's the part of my body I like the most. I'll keep posting pics of myself eventually~

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