LITECOIN - 3 Possible Routes to $60 - UPDATE


As predicted previously the trend has pulled down to expected .618 fib level (i.e. $39.67). Because of the current market situation, it might dip further down to .50 feb level (i.e. $36.78). I have already doubled my holding of LTC at $40.25 level. As of right now $39 level seems to be holding pretty good. But like i said, due to current market situation, there might be further dips.

Below are my limit buy orders at further dips, if it happens

-$5k limit by order at $36.90
-$5k limit by order at $34.00
-$10k limit buy order at $30.50

I already have 16.75k invested in LTC and if the above orders are executed, my total litecoin investment will be at $36.75k- making it the biggest investment/gamble of my life. lol
Anyways, I have a lot of faith in #litecoin community and have did my home work in terms of technical and fundamental analysis on litecoin- and everything is in favor of it to increase in value significantly over the coming weeks or months.

Please let me know in the comment section below of your thoughts/prediction regarding litecoin future:

Also checkout great blogs @kingscrown

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