
Did you see it?

Litecoin and Dogecoin passed Ethereum Classic.

In transactions per day.

Yeah I know, that title though. Yet, posting another Blocktivity dot info screenshot seemed like a bit boring to me. So, I took a photo from one of my last week strolls and hey presto! Back to Litecoin {LTC} and Dogecoin {DOGE} though, they did get passed Ethereum Classic {ETC}. In transactions per 24 hours that is. They both do about 30K a day currently.

Yes, no where near Steem and Bitshares, still 5K behind Golos, but far ahead of Buttcoin Cash {BCH}. So DOGE and LTC I do expect to gain in marketvalue, even though I know transactions per second not always are in line with the market price. Steem, Bitshares and Golos are proof of that. They are heavily undervalued, I think.

Yeah, but can it scale?

The actual blockchains that can pull it off, competing with credit card systems, are Golos, Bitshares and Steem. And soon EOS can be added to that list. Yet, on some Social Media platforms there is still this strange idea floating around that there is no blockchain that can do it!? It is a narrow minded discussion though, because it is mainly about Bitcoin and all possible forks. Looks a bit like a Stone-age thing: bigger blocks are better versus nuh-uh...

Guess in a large part of the Cryptos realm a lot is still biased towards Bitcoin type of Blockchains. And sure Segwit and Lightning Network really kicked things up quite a lot, but to DPOS {Delegated Proof Of Stake} blockchain users it is a bit like: "Yawn..." Blocks go like 3-2-1-DONE overhere, so what is all the fuzz about? Still, it will take some time for the Cryptos realm to get it.

The crystall ball.

And in the meantime I do HODL LTC and DOGE too. Because I think that they will be part of the group that will rise to the occasion. After the big Cryptos purge of 2018, that I expect to come somewhere in the 3rd quarter of this year. Already tightened my portfolio accordingly. The flood of new Cryptos, ICOs and Tokens will come to an end at some point and then the best adapted will gain in value that others lose bleeding.

Okay, had to get Ye Oal crystal ball out for that one. Which is also the right time for me to remind you to only invest in Cryptos what you are willing and able to lose. Have a great one!

May the Cryptos be with us!

Somehow I did see a Muppet in here somewhere.
Photo cc-by-sa @oaldamster.

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