Asucre Athimathuram ~ Liquorice or Mulethi

Athimathuram or scientifically termed as Glyceria glabra Glycyrrhiza glabra or Liquorice plant is a cultivated acclaimed for its medicinal properties. It is commonly called as sweet wood. Athimathuram called as mulethi in Hindi. In Tamil Nadu, as we call it ‘Athimathuram’ or ‘Athimathuram’. It belongs to the Fabaceae family of plants with flowers. The common use of Athimathuram is trying cough and cold.


Athimathuram comprises active compound namely, glycyrrhizic acid, in abundance. This compound is known to provide hepatoprotective mechanisms. Research has proven effective in reducing the circulating levels of testosterone in men. In Japan, it is widely used in the treatment of liver diseases such as cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis. It is also known that the control and inactivate permanently, herpes simplex virus and many other RNA and DNA viruses.

Athimathuram based medicines are very useful in disease curing. There is no significant Athimathuram side effects found in patients. Athimathuram plant root has many medicinal uses.

  1. We use roots of Athimathuram plant for treatment of various stomach problems like indigestion, acidity and stomach pain etc.

  2. The tea prepared with Athimathuram is very beneficial in curing chronic cough.

  3. The sweet taste of the herb, Athimathuram is liked by children and thus it is useful in treating cough and cold for children. Less than 5 gm of Liquorice roots can be used in preparation of one cup of tea.

  4. The anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties of Athimathuram herb are best in treatment of pain and cramps in menstrual period.

  5. Roots of Liquorice work as mild laxative and thus it is useful in the condition of constipation. Consume Liquorice tea daily for 4 days and get rid of the problem of constipation.

  6. Anti-inflammatory properties of Liquorice are useful in reducing arthritis pain effectively. Those who are suffering from arthritis can consume Liquorice tea for some days.

  7. Patients of blurred or less vision are advised to use Athimathuram as a treatment for their problem. Athimathuram tea is very effective in treating asthma and other respiratory problems effectively. Sore throat or throat irritation can be easily relieved with the consumption of Athimathuram.

  8. Liquorice roots contain Glycyrrhizin acid which reduces the depression and nervousness or anxiety successfully. Consume Liquorice tea two times a day to keep away the depression.

  9. Liquorice root is useful in regulating body metabolism rate and lowering bad cholesterol from body as it improves bile acid flow in body.

  10. Antioxidant and phytoestrogenic property of the herb helps as a remedy to deal with the symptoms of menopause.

  11. Fever and related headache can be treated with the help of powder or tea of Liquorice. Chew or suck the root of Athimathuram to get rid of bad breath instantly.

  12. Generally menopause causes hormonal imbalance and estrogen's like properties of this herb can solve this problem efficiently.

  13. The herb is rich with antioxidants which can improve our immunity power to fight against muscle and joint pain.

The sweet saponin glycoside glycyrrhizin in licorice gives its characteristic flavor. It is to be noted that Glycyrrhizin is 30 to 60 times sweeter than sugar.

Licorice is used along with the some particular herbs to improve the function of the adrenal glands, especially for the people who take steroid drugs. Steroids tend to put down the activity of the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands generate the hormones that control the body's response to stress. The Glycyrrhizic acid in the licorice root helps with nervousness and depression by encouraging the function of adrenal glands. Take Liquorice mixed with Triphala daily at bedtime or early in the morning with the milk preferably cow's milk. The regular use of this mixture gives a very clear motion. Liquorice taken by pregnant women promotes the natural growth of the infants and improves the complexion. The decoction of Liquorice is useful in stomatitis as well as hoarseness of voice and laryngitis. Its powder is given with honey in case of jaundice and it chases an excessive heat and burning.


Apply Athimathuram powder for skin to fight against the skin problems like psoriasis, itchy skin, eczema, rashes and even dermatitis. Use Athimathuram powder for face to reduce the oil secretion. You can also use Athimathuram powder for hair to induce the growth the new hair. You can add the powder of curry tree leaves with Athimathuram for dandruff problem. It is also used with other herbs for grey hair problem. Athimathuram face pack is available with us.

Studies have proved that Athimathuram root is used in reducing blood glucose level in diabetes and it also helps to reduce the weight.


We recommend that adults should not take any more than 15 grams of powder Athimathuram per day and no more than 6 weeks. Based on the golden rule of Herb Research Foundation the child must take 1/4 of 1/3 of an adult. It is always better to manage a very small dose as 2 grams when it comes to children and also only under a doctor’s advice.

Liquorice is easily available at Asucre Pure Herbals in powder, tablet and capsule form. Do let us know your requirements so we can send you our offer for the same.

Legal Disclaimer: All the products are for personal use and not for resale. The product description has not been evaluated by the food & drug administration (FDA). The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Please consult your physician or health care provider before taking any home remedies.

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