Lion’s Gate Portal and what you need to contemplate with. Original painting “The Mighty Leo” acrylic on resin art.

Today is the 8th day of August (08) 2018 marks the day of Lion’s Gate Portal (and also me and my wife’s wedding anniversary..yay!) 8 is a number of balance within you and the universe, its also a balance of material and immaterial worlds, learn more about ourselves and give ourselves a break from this everyday stress, find that balance and to recharge, with balanced physical, mental and spiritual, relax, unwind, meditate, or do whatever you may to do nothing but to empty that cup, connect with the universe with a positiveness and love, now is an opportunity to make some major transformations in our life so always be conscious of what you say, think and feel, the universe does not listen what you say but it listens with how you feel. One love amongst us and the universe, happy 888!


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