Am I the Laziest Writer Ever - Part VI - Learning a New Language

Speaking only 6 languages ( Dutch, English, Portuguese, German, Spanish and French ) and the final one at a dubious level ( 4 years of high school French and approximately 10 times spent in France, for Summer holidays, as a kid ), I was starting to feel disappointed with myself.

Aside from that, they are all Romance and Germanic languages.

Now I think of it, I also had 2 years of Latin and 5 years of Greek, in high school ( apparently an Indo-European language ), but the latter was ancient Greek, which isn't spoken anymore, and I basically learnt to read and translate it and liked Greek Mythology the most.

To make a long story short, this week I decided it was time to step up my game and see if my 40+ year old brain ( if we don't count previous life times ) has some room to store yet another language into its memory banks.

So, yesterday, 4 days after changing my lifestyle ( and throwing 3 decades of Windows out of the window, to make place for Ubuntu/ Linux, an open source Operating System ), I decided I wanted to get to know this new OS a little better, which lead to me subscribing to an online course called:
The Linux Command Line Bootcamp.

I heard of the above course via a young guy who is hiring an office, right next to me, in the creative space in my street.

In fact, this friendly fellow got me onto Linux/ Ubuntu, last week.
I believe it was last Friday.

About an hour or two after he had piqued my interest, I erased my Windows and replaced it with Ubuntu ( after first having stored some files that I thought might be important on an USB stick ).

FYI: I have been considering to change operating systems ( move away from Windows ) for many years now and it was about time. The fact that this guy mentioned it and appeared to have an USB stick on him that booted and/or installed Ubuntu was all I needed.

It feels great to be off Windows. I feel way cleaner, like I've washed off years of accumulated dirt and that's probably an understatement. It's like I'm no longer be spied on. A weight has fallen from my shoulders.

Also, the terminal ( something that reminds me of MS-DOS, which I used in the 90s ), where you can type commands to interact with the computer, really excites me,

I guess it satisfies my inner nerd

so I decided I wanted to learn more about it.
And that's why I decided to pay for the course mentioned above.

I only started with it yesterday, but once I get excited about learning something, I tend to move very fast...

Anyhow, I don't want to bore you too much ( although I suspect that many of you on Hive are bigger nerds than me haha! ), I just felt like sharing this and it fitted into my series about (not) being a lazy writer
( kind of, not really )

Tomorrow ( I think ), I will give you an update on my actual writing (my 'The Monster of Disco' story ) that also started to flow again, yesterday.

Good vibes!

If you're lacking any creativity, I've got plenty, just tune in to my frequency ;<)


The photo above my post was taken by me, about an hour ago, at the nearby river beach ( that is no beach, at the time, due to the water being too high, this time of year. In the background, you see the picturesque town where I have been living since February ).

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