The Fall of the Meritocracy

Why and how the new Linux developers code of conduct matters to you


Another [SJW] agenda victim falls, in this case it is the Linux kernel and the community as a whole that will suffer the fallout of this most recent attack on logic and meritocracy. The founder of Linux has left the development team for the Linux kernel because a damaging and weaponized Code of conduct has been implemented, which will reward “victim status”(my words not there’s) as apposed to quality code, which Linux is known for.

There are those apposed to this new development(those still retaining self respect, logic and a moral compass in my opinion) who are advising those that will be targeted by these new policies, to pull there code(They have every legal[and moral] right to this under GPL v2) which Linux was published under; which will effectively cripple many aspects of the Linux kernel worldwide and lasting anywhere from days to years depending on how long this attack on common sense lasts.

The previous code of conflict which has been replaced by the code of conductCoC relied on the individual to create good code and be able to take constructive criticism…..gasp!!!!. I know this may seem radical to the SJW’s but it is this mentality of genuine community and ability to take a critique without acting as if your very existence has been insulted that has given us what is some the most robust and stable code out there. Ironically this is the same code that most likely is allowing the web server they[SJW] are using to post there truly hateful opinions; yes implying that all white straight men are the face of evil is indeed hateful and the textbook definition of racist not to mention a logically flawed sentiment.

I would also like to point out that this is indeed a political issue which was confirmed by the creator of the CoC linked here. I try to remain positive and have faith that humanity will finally learn the lessons we have attempted to learn cycle after cycle but I fear that again we shall fail the test and remain as we are…..petty, greedy, spiritual children.

I stand here with a heavy heart as I lookout upon the world and see that eon after eon we repeat the same lessons over and over and still we do not learn. The things that humans are willing to do to each other are truly baffling to me. The golden rule if properly applied would solve all the worlds problems, and such a simple concept it is yet its consistent application has eluded us century after century because we still choose to view each other as separate and enemies instead of extensions of self. When we all strive to act and be better we will finally ascend that mountain top and lookout at a limitless view.

In love and light,
Cosmic Man

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