Decked Out in Tech Trouble: How I Schooled Debian with Some Command Line Mojo!



Yo, Linux_lovers!

Gather 'round, 'cause I've got a tale to tell about a recent showdown between my Debian rig and a stubborn SD card. Things got wild, and I had to pull out all the stops to get the system back on track. Picture this: post-Nvidia driver install, my trusty Debian was like, "Nah, not feeling the SD card vibe." It was like talking to a brick wall!

The Deets:


I went on a wild goose chase, trying every trick in the book. Cameras, USB 3, USB C - you name it, I tried it. But no dice. That SD card was playing hard to get, and I was about to throw in the towel.

The Plot Twist:


Then, out of the blue, I stumbled upon a secret weapon that turned the tide. Enter the terminal, my friends. I kicked things off with a badass command: sudo apt-get install --reinstall udisks2. It was like hitting the turbo boost on a race car.

The Big Reveal:


Boom! Just like that, the magic happened. The system suddenly went, "Oh, you wanna read some SD cards? Say no more!" It was like witnessing a superhero suit up for action.



So there you have it, folks. When Debian tried to give me the cold shoulder, I brought out the big guns and showed it who's boss. Remember, in the world of tech, sometimes you gotta lay down the law with a little command line swagger. Until next time, keep on rockin' that tech game! ✌️

Follow these steps

Reset and rework sdcard modules on kernel

sudo modprobe -r r852

sudo modprobe -r sdhci_pci

sudo modprobe r852

sudo modprobe sdhci_pci

Reinstall Udisk packages !

sudo apt-get install --reinstall udisks2

reboot your system

sudo reboot now



Source for Code:

From Ubuntu Forum

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