Running A Masternode On Pi (LightPayCoin) Part 1

Yeah, it is possible. Proof of concept kind of thing. We are doing a full masternode on a tiny and cheap piece of hardware.

I've recently stumbled accross this PIVX fork called LightPayCoin. Limited supply, less than 5m produced and staking as well as masternodes are possible with a limited investment (1000 LPC for masternodes).

So I jumped into it and got the required coins for that masternode setup, something I wanted to try for a while but not with pumping tens of thousands of $$$ into an experiment. This is a welcome scenario with LPC, risky, sure, but not completely for nothing. They supposeldy work on the Crypto ATM front which is interesting.

So, what we need?

First, we need a wallet on our preferred desktop OS, here Windows, Linux, Mac will do as well. You can find all this stuff on the website.

Install the wallet, get some coins, and activate staking. You need to add one line into your lightpaycoin.conf "staking=1". All explained there.

But now it's getting more interesting. For the masternode we need to get the whole thing running on Linux. They suggest to use a VPS service, but why wasting money and effort if we already have a Pi sitting around. Here I use an OrangePi Zero which you can get for ~10$. Can't beat that.

We will focus here on Armbian Bionic, that's the Ubuntu version. Other Debian based, DietPi, whatsoever may work too, but are not really supported on a wider base.

So first things first. Download and install the Armbian image, write it on your SD card, boot it up, update and configure the tiny machine to run on a static IP.

If you got that, congrats, well done for Xmas and we will continue in part 2 to come....

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