Ubuntu 22.10: The Good, The Bad, and The Dissapointing.


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Ubuntu 22.10 has a lot going for it.

It gets so many things right, but also gets a few horribly wrong.

Linux Kernel 5.19

We get a very recent Linux kernel, and for the first time it's not just the SMP generic Ubuntu kernel. Instead it comes with the SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC kernel. Any Linux kernel with PREEMPT means the kernel scheduler can interrupt a process with a higher priority process.
Theoretically, improving performance on latency-sensitive workloads such as music recording & production, and also mouse input speed for things like gaming.

Wayland Is Default

22.10 also defaults to the modern Wayland Session display server & compositor for more responsive input/output & display drawing with a built-in compositor for fancy system effects. But it also includes the reliable old Xorg display server that Linux has relied on for well over 20 years.

Pipewire Is Default

The Linux audio stack has long been a contentious point; Either loved or hated. For as long as I've used GNU/Linux, virtually all distros have come with ALSA(Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) & the Pulseaudio sound server.
ALSA is the driver level that interacts directly with sound devices, and Pulseaudio is the server that handles mixing and routing of audio between applications, devices, and services. But you would manually install JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) if you needed the lowest latency possible for recording or producing music, and synchronizing audio streams.
To a new user this was often confusing and overwhelming.
Pipewire replaces the need for both Pulseaudio & JACK while also handling video streams, and it does it all at low-latency performance. But even more important: It does all of this without the applications even knowing. So if you use JACK-only music software Pipewire handles everything without even needing to install JACK. Such an elegant and ideal replacement.

And Those Are Just What's "Under The Hood"

Ubuntu 22.10 comes with lots of new visual and feature improvements as well, but you'll have to watch the video to see the rest of them.
This is most likely the last video of the year so,
Happy New Year, Hive. Subscribe and stay tuned.

I plan to make 2023 a totally new resolution for DS-Tech Media.
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