Linkin Park. Suicide. Sadness. Hope.


Chester Bennington's suicide has shocked me. Everyday there are people who take their own life and each time it is shocking and tragic. We hear about the "famous” suicides, but I know there are more than I can count that go unnoticed to me.

I didn't know Chester personally and I knew very little about his personal life and his struggles. I did have the pleasure of seeing him live on stage twice which I will never forget. His energy was unbelievable.

The band Linkin Park is one of those bands for me that was a huge influence during my formative years. They immediately changed the shape of my music taste when they burst into the scene in my early adolescence. Along with Offspring, Grinspoon and Blink182, Linking Park formed the soundtrack of my youth.

It's easy for me to sit here and ask how could such a talent, a superstar, a "wealthy" person who lives what he loves arrive at a place where he saw no way out, no other option, or did not care enough to make a different decision? Any kind of judgement on my behalf requires far too many assumptions. Who am I to judge?

So, I'm left with sadness. Sadness that it's an all too familiar headline. An amazing, creative, talented individual who I have listened too in the background of my life for so long is just gone.

His songs, numerous videos and his energy will live on, and will be experienced for years to come, but I'll never be able to stop thinking about the why. Why did he opt out?

Every time I hear Chester's unique "sing like an angel, scream like the devil” vocals or even catch a glimpse of an Autobot symbol on the back of a car I'll be reminded of the temporary nature of this world. That thought brings to light a perspective of what's really important and where my care and focus should be directed.

Life is made up of seasons. Seasons of highs where you smile, lead, inspire and nurture others. And there are seasons of darkness where the battle with your own inner demons seems all consuming. And of course there is many in-betweens.

Whether this is a season of hope or despair please share that with the people around you. For me right now I was thinking it’s neither, a somewhere-in-between. Life right now is busy and tiring. But the best part is I can take steps today that will determine what the next season looks like…So that’s hope after all!

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