→ Japanese Dehydration Self-Check Lifehack

It's summer and summer can be very dangerous. This year summer in Japan is intense, with most days above 35 (95f), approaching 40 (104f)—a few days ago was 40 exactly—and people are dropping like flies from heatstroke. Normally it hits kids and old folks the hardest, but we are all in danger if we aren't careful.

Enter this interesting lifehack from a Japanese nurse. Evidently you can tell a lot about the hydration level of your body just by pinching your hand.

Last week my son wasn't feeling well when I picked him up from his pre-school. When I got him home, he complained that he felt like throwing up and was tired. After he laid down, I happened to touch his forehead and he was burning up. I took him temperature and it was above 40. An icepad, a lot of water, and a night of rest later, he was fine, but I can't help but think we narrowly missed something more serious. It is not uncommon for young school kids to die from heatstroke in Japan. I will be using this hack!

Visit the link for the full story:


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Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time. More?

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