Sweeney Todd, Meat Pies, & Executive Order of 12.21.17

March 19, 2018 (# 4)

I’ve been in technical rehearsals for Sweeney Todd for two days. You know, the award winning musical featuring a barber that murders his customers then grinds them into meat pies. Within this macabre yet often comedic musical exists prostitution, elite corruption, revenge, murder, suggested pedophilia/incest and cannibalism. It’s uncanny that the Universe put me in this particular production at this time in history – when I’ve recently learned of the presidential Executive Order (12. 21.2017) declaring elimination of these heinous crimes against humanity. Awakening arrives whether I’m ready or not. The creative side of me appreciates the artistic merits of this show. The newly red pilled me is in shock. Am I contributing to the perpetuation of darkness by choosing to be involved (employed)? How do I reconcile the dark storytelling of stage life and be in alignment with my higher self? I’m sure this has happened to you. How do you deal?

AFFIRMATION: My heart is pure, regardless the circumstances I am experiencing, and I know this is happening for me, not to me – allowing my perceptions and heart to expand. Source within me moves through me to bring about my highest good. Always, and in all ways. And so it is.

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