Progress on #LightTheWorld with lots of contributions inside.

We have had a great response from the community both in comments and long post contributions.

How are your efforts to #LightTheWorld going so far, share with us some of your experiences in the comments below.

Has it brought about a little change in your life? in your attitude towards life? or in the life or outlook of others?

Has it helped to have a slightly more focused outlook in this run up to Christmas? do you think your Christmas will be different this year?

Please don't necessarily share with us what you did, but elaborate on what your experience was and how it made you feel.

Have you seen other people using the tag on other platforms like Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc. Did you bump into any awesome stories over there?

For me so far its been great reading and voting for all your comments and seeing the creativeness in the posts. Its also been great to see we have been getting posts everyday and many of them are being rewarded, not just by my voting but by others voting as well.

I will continue monitoring the #lighttheworld hashtag and will be throwing all spare voting power in that direction, to comments and posts.

If you decide to participate using your own top level post, please just insert the days video, theme and link, as I have done. The rest is up to you and lets see how creative and positive a contribution we can all make.

I will however be monitoring and voting within the tag on all days, not just 3, 6, 9, 11 etc.

Today I voted on

For day 6... I selected

Day 3 I gave this one a big vote

Sorry I cant vote for all... because many are great contributions but its good to see that most contributions are getting some sorts of votes.

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