Children are the most wonderful gift that God can give anyone. 

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I feel so sorry for people who cannot have children, but I have so often thought God is wise, and God knows all his people. I know that God pick people to look after the little children who have no one. 

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So many people who do not have children adopt a child, or become someone who looks after children just like a teacher. 

But if a child is adopted then that child is loved by those people just as we love our own, because no matter where the children in your house come from he or she was still put on this earth by God himself. 

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I think that people who adopt children are wonderful, because they make that child their own. Why did they send the little children to Jesus, just to touch Jesus? 

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I think they knew that once a child touches Jesus that child will be blessed for ever. 

It is the biggest privilege that anyone can experience, as it must have been wonderful to live in the time that Jesus came to earth to die for our sins. 

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My grandmother always said to me, if you believe like a child you will definitely go to heaven. 

I read a lot about scientists, and saw on television how they all try to prove that either God exist or try and find a way to make us think that he does not. 

I do not have a problem with science, but please leave our God out of it. I think that is why Jesus said in Mark 10:14”Suffer the little children and come unto me” In my post of yesterday I wrote how I taught my children about God from birth. 

If you cannot believe like a child, and just accept that what we read in the bible is true, you dont understand how to accept what Jesus said. 

Why start digging for scientific evidence. Jesus stoped the disciples from keeping the children away from him, He said send them to me because they are the ones who will go into the kingdom of heaven, and he said to the grownups, that if they do not believe like children they will never get into the kingdom. 

In these few days writing about the verses that we received we were just reminded again. You do not have to be rich or clever as long as you accept God as your saviour and believe like a child. 

When my children went to school, myself and my husband always taught the little ones at church. We worked at the Sunday school until they had finished, as it was not easy to leave and come back to fetch them.

 I have never been sorry, as I was brought up without this privilege. 

My husband was brought up in a very Christian way, I do love him so much, as he was the one who took me there and made me a different person. 

I can assure you that teaching little children about Jesus and all that he does for us was one of the most satisfying things I ever did in my life. 

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Jesus put his arms around the children hugged them and told the people before you believe like they do, the children you will not be allowed into the Kingdom of God. 

None of us in this world got a greater gift from God than our children therefore we must love them, teach them and let them learn about God. 

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It does break your heart, when you see how hungry and sad some children are. It is not their fault that the grownups or politicians care more about their own thinking than looking out for the children in their country.

I feel sorry for them as they have to tell go andexplain to God, why when they die. Why did you make these unnecessary wars and let the children suffer. God will say as I told you Look unto the children be like them. 

We see these children crying and digging into dumpsters for food because the war might have taken the people they care for most out of their lives and they have nowhere to go they must just fend for themselves. There are so many rich people, who can take nothing with them when they die. 

Why not open some orphanages and look after these children as they are also our responsibility. Because everyone was sent by God. 

We can carry on the whole day about how people do not care about children, and it is so sad. Children suffer because there are grownups who just dont care or feel anything.

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Look at these children, no one cares but if it was a whale or an elephant landing in trouble, within hours money flows in and people try to save this animal.  I do not say it is worng but I think that God looks down, and think why do they not do this for my children as well.

How can anyone allow this to happen to children that God sent to us to look after.

This is my story, may God Bless those who try to help them.


Thanks to @kaleem345     

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