"Blessed are they that mourn."—Matthew 5:4

Jesus taught:
"Blessed are they that mourn."—Matthew 5:4
Crushing burdens and tragic losses can nearly overwhelm people at times. To show Christlike compassion, we should comfort those who mourn, helping to lift their heavy hearts.
Ways you can comfort someone in need.

Why do we mourn a lost one, because we are selfish and want to keep them with us. Is that fair to the person who is suffering? I do not think so, that is why we must talk about these things before they happen. 

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My family know, I do not want to be lying in a hospital with a machine keeping me alive. I do know, it sounds terrible but that is selfish of the people who love you, and do not want you to go. 

God gives everyone time here on earth, to his will. If it is your time to go, please just be ready. 

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The people who love you will know where you are going and be thankful for that. 

It is very hard to lose a child, because it feels as if it is wrong. 

In our minds we always think that there should be a system to dying. The eldest must die first and then the next in line. 

My son had a wonderful friend who died with his little son in a car accident. Here was a mother with another son, who was older as the one who died, the one who died with his father was only nine years old. This was such a wonderful child and did a lot of sport. 

His mother and father took him everywhere to be able to see him play rugby or what sport he was doing. 

They were wonderful parents and really cared for their children the other boy was a lot older and he had sort of started doing his own things while he was still living at home as he had older friends and they did things together. 

They had taken this boy to a rugby game and were on their way back when the caravan at the back of the car jack knifed and father and son were both killed.

Can you imagine what a mother must feel when her son and being her baby dies as well as his father? 

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I doubt if anything more painful can happen to a mother. It is good to sympathise and help, as much as she needed, but she has family who will help as well. 

This is a pain that never goes away, as a child is a part of your body that you have lost. The only thing you can help with when someone is in so much pain, is lend your ear. Nothing works better than just listening.


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 When people can spill their feelings and heart, it does help them to stop thinking in a lonely hole and get rid of the sad thoughts. 

This mother was a very big Christian and that is where she found some peace. You never stop missing them and you never forget them, but knowing God does help. 

If you read her face book page you see the most beautiful quotes that she finds to give her some comfort. 

I personally think she is wonderful, as she looked after the other child and brought him up to be a wonderful boy. 

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He must have felt just like she did as he had lost his father and his little brother. 

We sometime wonder why God let things like this happen. That is very wrong, as God is almighty and we must never wonder why he does something like this because he knows his reasons.  

We have no right to ask why; we must just except it and live the life he gave us to the best of our ability. 

It is not always easy, but with the help from someone just listening and the word of God their might be a little relief from this enormous pain. 

If you have not gone through it yourself, you do not really know how it feels. So don’t say I am sorry I know how you feel as you really do not know. All you can do is try and help this person to get their life back on track as it is so easy to lose your way when you want to feel angry because of your loss. 

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I am so glad that she kept going the way that God wanted her to as he sometimes bring things on our path just to test us.  If we cannot handle it we are really in trouble. I truly believe that this is the way that God is testing us. Not just by taking a loved one but looking and seeing if you have the compassion to help someone who truly needs it.  

 Listening to someone’s troubles and then helping is all that God expects from us.

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 And all He wants from us is that we love Him with all we have. 

So never complain and except the things that happen in your life for they all happen for a reason which only God knows. 

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This does not mean that you ever forget those who you loved, but it will make the burden a little less if you ask God to help.  

Thank you for reading my post and have a blessed day.


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