A Korean/Portuguese Sushi Style Meal... in Lithuania

When I was in Šiauliai, I stayed at a University Residence for Students. Since it was on the Summer Holidays, most of the local students had traveled back home to spend the time with their families and friends. The ones that remained there during this holiday season were foreigners, so I met people from all over the world... except from Lithuania!

All of these students had a scholarship for their daily expenses and it wasn't much, so they had to be creative to stretch their money, in order to make sure it would last the whole month.

Since there was a big supermarket just across the street, and the residence had a kitchen available to them, most meals were home cooked. The most interesting thing is that they weren't afraid to mix their own cultures to make some unique dishes, combining the cooking styles from their own countries.

On this occasion, two girls, one Portuguese and one Korean, decided to shop for ingredients to make Sushi. But not the traditional kind of Sushi you all know.


They joined forces to make a mixed style between Portuguese and Korean food.


The first thing to be cooked was the Portuguese Style Vegetable Fried Salad. A few vegetables were cut in thin slices and thrown into the frying pan. Cucumbers, peppers, onions and tomatoes fried together for a few minutes, being stirred constantly so they wouldn't burn and glue to the pan.


Yes, she's using a Swiss Army Knife to stir the various vegetables. (I told you these girls were creative.)

When the fried salad was almost ready, the Sushi base began to fry in another pan.


The salad was done, and needed to rest just for a bit because it was still too hot to handle. Meanwhile, the Sushi base was just finishing to fry.


The cooking phase was completed. The rice had been previously cooked and was waiting in a bowl. Thus started the process of putting it all together, like a food puzzle of sorts.

First thing to be laid over the Sushi base was a bit of rice, spread carefully and evenly. Be careful, if you get this part wrong, the whole thing will end in disaster. 😂


The fried vegetables came next. It was important to add a little bit of each, but not too many of them, to each roll.


A little bit of thin cut salmon was added... or else it wouldn't be real Sushi.

This is how each piece looked, before the rolling process began.


Here comes the tricky part... gently but firmly rolling everything into a tube, making sure the ingredients are well packed to prevent the Sushi pieces from falling apart later on.


I am not entirely sure about this next step. I believe she was adding a little bit of Soy Sauce to act as a glue. But it might have been some other sauce. I can't say exactly what it was.


And... it's done. If you can pick it up like this and it stays together, your job was successful.


The process was repeated a few times because a single roll wouldn't be enough for all of us, obviously. 😋


After all the Sushi Rolls were stacked together, only one thing was left to do, cut them all into Sushi Pieces. It doesn't matter if they are all exactly the same size. Just cut them as you see fit but don't make the pieces too large, or else they'll be very difficult to eat.


Here's the first batch of Korean/Portuguese Sushi, ready to be eaten by the anxious students.


After the work was completed, a sense of proudness won them over, and they stood back and contemplated their achievement, with giant smiles across their faces.


All of the Sushi Pieces disappeared 50 times faster than it took them to be prepared... but hey, that's exactly what happens with nearly every form of cooking. Right?

So they were gone... but they were... delicious! 😋

CameraCanon Ixus 210
LocationŠiauliai - #Lithuania
Photos15 (Edited with GIMP)

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