Precious Fleamarket Find


My sister is a pro fleamarket treasure hunter, so when I took her as a lucky charm, we really stuck gold with a bunch of old maps that most probably adorned a classroom somewhere for decades. We unrolled all of them, and most were in a really bad condition or the colours weren’t what I liked. I was a bit bummed but we started to look other stuff when my sis found a few more maps stuffed into a dark corner, literally. We unrolled all of them too and totally scored on a treasure. There were both western and eastern sides of the globe in equally good condition and I settled on the eastern one. It cost me 20€ and I’m seriously considering going back for the other one.

An old, worn out map with a matte texture, unlike the new nasty plastic ones, works perfectly for my interior design style and needs. I’m so happy with my purchase. I tried to look for a date on the map but couldn’t find any, so I googled some of the countries I know no longer exist in that form and/or are just named different now, to try and figure out the approximate year the map was made.

(Note the names are in Finnish on the map.) Soviet Union dissolved 1991, Yugoslavia 1992, Belgian Congo independense 1960, and Siam has been called Thailand since 1948. Taking these in to account, this map might have been made as early as the 1940’s, though it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a bit later, considering Finland’s isolated location, slower information back in the day and volatile world politics.

Once again I’m enamored by the old and warn out but so much more beautiful than any shiny new version. Who can relate?

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