Still here.... Just tired

Good morning everyone! I've been meaning to post but I've been so tired these past few days I've just not been able to muster the energy.


😂 Since Wednesday's first kickboxing class and consequent trip to Port Louis I've been overwhelmed by how tired I've been feeling.

Yesterday we cooked and cleaned for a dinner party at our house for 9 people.
Seafood was at the order of the day with some mussels that a friend brought and we added my lekker tasty prawn curry to the menu. Hubby cooked the mussels in cream and white wine, delicious! With some added snacks and salads we were blessed with an amazing meal. Since living here we do a lot of bring and share dinners. Everyone contributes something to the evening's meal and we enjoy a hodgepodge of different tastes and culinary skills accompanied by copious amounts of vino. Always makes for a lovely time.

This morning I kicked off with my second kickboxing class which means that I am half dead on my feet. 😂 Such activities on a Saturday morning should be prohibited. 😂 Especially after the amount of wine one has consumed the night before which definitely made the class harder than it was strictly necessary. Check out my pretty pink boxing gloves hubby bought me yesterday... 😂 Fighting like a girl. All in pink. 😂
On top of that a friend promised another friend a freshly baked carrot and beetroot cake by lunchtime today so guess what I've been up to with my my aching body since getting back from my kickboxing class. Knee-deep in baking. Aiai. 😂 What a way to spend the Saturday morning. 😊We had a good giggle at the size of the carrots and beetroots I've been using. They are humongous. See the photos included.


Anyhow, Soon soon I'll take my book and crawl under the blankets. The weather is surely perfect for an under the duvet day. Wet and windy.

I hope you are having a great Saturday morning so far! Enjoy the rest of your day and take care! ❤️

All photos are my own

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