Hangout in Jakarta Create a Stress Release for a moment

Dizziness and stress with a pile of jobs after coming to work run out long vacation? Calm and not to think about protracted. You just come to some hangout while enjoying the special menu and dissolves in the atmosphere. Rather than confusion to find a hangout yes, better refer to the following reviews below!

1.Homebound Coffee
If you want to relax in beautiful coffee, you can visit Homebound Coffee in Kelapa Gading area. In addition to coffee, you can also enjoy a delicious pempek dish is no doubt.

Gordi HQ also become one of the spots hang out ready to make you relax with a variety of coffee flagship. The coffee shop in Cilandak area operates from 11:00 to 17:00.

3.Ombe Kofie
Ombe Koffie can also be a hangout for you who are in Pluit area. Here you will feel the warmth and friendly service of the baristas, and of course the enjoyment of coffee from local and imported coffee beans.

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