#lifestartsat30 - ain't that true....starting my amazingly messed up journey again

When I was as in my late teens/early 20s I thought 30 sounded so old and mature - I thought "By the time i'm 30 surely I will have my sh*t together; house, husband, kids and even the career to boot......."

Well......that is so not the case for me - but let me tell you - I genuinely have never been so happy till I took those chains of stigma off and started living my life for me - no longer do I think "I HAVE to know where i'm going in life.....or I HAVE to meet someone now in order to be happy" This is all a HUGE misconception.

I am a (31 now) English woman, who's life got turned upside down by health/a man/the rat race of London and conforming - and now.....I am living in Kuala Lumpur exploring who I am and what I want in life. If settling down, having a family and being put in a box is not for you, don't ever think you're too old to try something new - everything in life is scary I will never suggest otherwise, but taking these steps in life that push our boundaries, open our eyes to such an amazing world - and the way I have rationalised my thoughts when i'm unhappy or scared I just tell myself "if you fail, you tried....no-one judges someone who is always trying - this is your life and only I can judge my decisions" It actually works.

I want to write about my story of taking the biggest leap of my life and what comes along as i go along.....I hope you enjoy this ride with me.

I guess i should explain a little something - my reasoning for being 30 and move my entire life from London, England, to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, all on my own. I turned 30 in October 2016 - it was legit, my happiest moment (thus far) i had the man of my dreams, a decent event management job in London and a fantastic group of friends and family around me. Me and my amazing (pffft) man decided we would try moving out to Australia due to some health issues i had had over the past 10 years (fertility issues - and believe me, at 30 this gets harder to listen to or understand why....but i'll divulge more as time goes on) So i had this huge plan in my head of me and my man travelling south east Asia and moving to Australia to begin our lives together........this was all cut dead when i found out he was having an affair!!!

Life.Fell.Apart!!!! I felt like the wind had quite literally been taken from me - I remember falling to the floor as my heart crumbled inside me and i felt.....nothing but pain. What was i going to do? 30 and starting again? Where do i go now? Do i buy myself a house in London? Do i travel alone? I'm scared.

Not going to lie - it took me a good three months before i could make a decision - it eventually took me a year to get over the poor excuse for a man, but in all honesty - the decisions i made starting January 2017 then were ones of empowerment, fear, adventure......i commited to it.....i was doing it.....i was going to see this amazing world regardless of my situation - i'd been saving my money for some time and always dreamed of seeing the world - so i did it.....i moved to Asia!!!!

Life doesn't stop at 30 - life doesn't know how old you are - it's all in your head. Have faith in what you believe and the power you have inside to empower not only yourself but others around you. People told me they thought i was "brave" as i set out to travel - well......yes....i am....and i would encourage as many people as possible to be "brave" and DO YOU!! You won't regret it.

Follow my #lifestartsat30 to follow my adventures and stories of where i am and what im doing in Asia and how i am doing it..... #wegotthis #empowerment #bebrave #travelwithme

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