A Mantra I Live by to Keep Going and Reach My Dreams

"Every long walk begins with a first step"

I love this mantra to always remind me that every person's dreams, goals or plans in life will only be realized if he/she takes actions to it. And it starts by taking the first step, it doesn't just happen overnight!

There were times in the past when all I do is doubt myself. Though I already know what I wanted, I still had a lot of hesitations and what ifs. I always asked myself questions like can I do it? Will it work? What if it doesn't? Am I doing the right thing? Etc... And all these things did was just hinder me from doing something and taking a step closer to what I wanted in my life. None of these hesitations and what ifs helped me reach my goals. Although the questions are valid, it should not stop you from taking the first step if you know what you want and you have a goal you want to fulfill in life.

So while I haven't done anything yet to fulfill my goal of having my own business (due to my hesitations and what ifs), I met a person who later became a good friend and a coach. He shared a lot of things that inspired me to take courage and do more for myself. To start in little steps that will eventually become bigger and higher, because if I don't start now then when? When should I do something for my goals and dreams in life? Just as the saying goes "Big things start from small beginnings."

From then on, I've decided to take a step forward, one at a time until I'll reach the tip of success. I opened my mind to possibilities of making money rather than losing it and started taking opportunities from different platforms (@steemit is one). I always say my mantra every morning "Every long walk begins with a first step" to keep me going. It wasn't that easy though as setbacks are really expected along the way. I have tried a couple of things and failed but that is just the first step from the long walk I'm taking, know that roadblocks are normal. Starting is always the hardest but as long as you've taken the first step, just keep going. You are a step closer to your dream!

I am not there yet, but had I not listened and took courage to take actions, I would not be able to meet 2 of my friends who have the same goals as mine and became my business partners. Now, we will soon be opening our first food stall in one of the food parks here in Dumaguete City! :-)

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Source: Google - Fitness Doctrine

I'd like to invite @eduard104 to join the contest and submit his piece! Thanks ahead @eduard104! :-)

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