Accepting the fact that you can’t achieve everything in life!

You cant be this-
and also this-
But most of us are doing exactly this.

We’ve been brain washed into believing that we can achieve everything and anything, if we just put our minds to it. Nothing is impossible! Look at Da Vinci, Hellen Keller , blah, blah.

By trying to achieve every thing, trying to be good in every thing, we simply dissipate our energy and end up not being good even in one thing. I would even go ahead and say 99% of us will never be super good like the above men even in one thing.

And thats OK.

Wisdom is accepting our limitations and doing our best to be happy and content within these limitations. Not smashing our heads into boulders because anything is possible!

This trait of acceptance, is really rare and underrated indeed.

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