Worries - The Price Of Hesitation


After major struggles of being faced with a difficult choice I have come to learn a lot about what makes suffering so demanding on the spirit of a human being. For the longest time I thought it might be the consequences of the choice we end up making but really - the more I am faced with situations like this - the more I realize that the difficulty and challenge lies in the hesitation of making a choice to begin with.

Each potential choice over another carries a multitude of ideas, concepts and mind-baggage with it that is entertained and inflated in the mind until we start to believe the thought-chatter over actuality.

So there emerged a rather simple - maybe mundane - way of circumventing this challenging mind inflation of the scenarios: Don't hesitate too long, trust in the few choices that ended up being the things to finally choose from. You already thought about it, otherwise there wouldn't be these choices to pick from, remember?

I'm not saying you shouldn't consider before choosing. There is in fact great value in asking intuition for its answer, then asking the mind for its answer, but you have to make a choice and the longer you wait and hesitate the tougher it will be to feel good with what you end up choosing because the mind-narrative for the option you didn't pick will now be missed by your ego. To the ego it has already become a reality you now cannot access and have to let go of anyway, so why invest all this energy to color in the details beforehand for both?

You can never know all there is to know about any choice you make, you can never be fully sure that you have thought of all the factors involved. You will eventually have to move on unless you want to be stuck with hesitation for the rest of your life.


In fact it is quite certain that noone can never know all there is to know about any given option or idea due to the nature of our mind and how this realm operates. We are human beings, we learn, we make mistakes, we learn more.

And so, due to recent situations in my own life when I felt stuck and wouldn't dare to pick one of the final options to choose from - I want to remind myself and all of you to not take too long when making a decision. Better to pick the "wrong one" (if there even is such a thing) than to get stuck with an endless tale of could-be's, still not having made a choice to move on to new challenges and situations.

Trust yourself, know what you think, sense what you feel - it will be alright.


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