Gap Theory | Pt. 1 - Foreword | High stimulus environments demand a graphic mindhack roadmap

Years ago on a good psychedelic trip at a psy festival I stumbled upon something that has literally changed my life, and that stayed with me ever since - not only on dancefloors but in life in general.

It's a way that life and the universe to invite you to new experiences, to follow your path in a most graphical manner and to dare to move on to new adventures. Now what could that possibly look like? Let me try to elaborate.


Psychedelic dancefloors are a magical place. I feel it is a micromodel of life at large, simulating complex social relationships, behavior and dynamics in the most immediate and direct manner. Psy floors make us come closer to ourselves, make us see and recognize our own inner hangups and conditioning, and they can propel us to better versions of ourselves as we are faced with challenges we didn't ever think we would dare face.

Granted, if you have never been to a good psy floor you may be wondering what I am talking about here. It may be a great idea to read up on some initial thoughts I have shared in The Nature of Dance | #1 - "I have no idea where to start..."

Often times the challenges we are presented with on psy floors have everything to do with what we think we can do, what we think we deserve and how we resonate about that specific idea in ourselves. You may see a beautiful woman you would love to say hi to but feel you are not "worthy" of her time. You may recognize that someone around you may need a hug but feel too introverted to give one. You may know that a group over in that other corner are eyeing you and sending their attention your way but you may be too shy to just dance over there and say hi...

There are a million situations we go through, each in our own way, that make psy floors so vastly diverse and the experiences so mindshatteringly exciting as they unfold in front of us.

However, the glory of the dancefloor is that it is not "only" energetics and mind concepts coming up wanting to be recognized. There is also the very basic observation to be had what the people on the floor are doing - how they move, where they are and most importantly for this topic today: Where they are not.


What do you mean, "where they are not?"

Often, being on the floor can become somewhat confusing, I think probably because we are entering a zone of many energetic currents, ideas and high stimuli from all directions, likely on many different levels of existence (also some beyond our recognition capabilities).

As such we can often find ourselves not being sure of what we felt, heard and saw, we may feel a "yes" but think a "no", we may intuit a great idea or decision but think of a dozen reasons not to put it into action.

Maybe we aren't ready yet, maybe we confused the field on the floor with our own ideas about life and ourselves, but eventually there comes a point where we look for constants, for patterns of repetitive quality that can be made use of to explore this vast domain of existence with other people and ourselves further. In other words, we are looking for hacks to help us not get lost but draw the greatest learning effect possible out of what is happening.

And since psy floors - from our human perspective - do happen on the physical plane, first and foremost, I have discovered that it is a great idea to strictly treat it as physical for a while, especially when input and intensity of mind stimuli get too much for our minds to make sense of...

But how do we do that when every sense is amped up in overload, and what does it have to do with people who are "not there?" I will elaborate in part 2.


To be continued...

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