NEW CHAPTER!!! LIFE HACKS #1 - 1/4/2018 Get your parents to get you ANYTHING YOU WANT!!!

Struggling with life? Parents don't get what you want? Here are some great tricks to get ANYTHING you want!


#1 - Get Good Grades

If you want your parents to get you anything you want, you have to get good grades. Normally the better grades you get the more things you get. If you get good grades your parents might think "this kid is smart." Then they will get you a lot of things. So get good grades if you want your parents to get you things! If you ask your parents for stuff, you can bring out your grades and show them that you deserve whatever you said you wanted because you work hard at school!


#2 Obey What They Say

Another way to get your parents to get what you want, is to do what your parents want you to do. For example, studying. If you are proactive and study on your own without having your parents tell you, they will think you are a responsible young man/woman and they will gladly buy you stuff in exchange for your maturity!


#3 Don't ask your parents for things that often

If you don't ask your parents for things that often the higher chance they will get you something, but of course, you will have to let them know what you want to get, because if you don't they will not know. What I am saying is that don't ask you parents for things that often. If you annoy them with thing to buy, they will think you're greedy and will not get you want you want.

#4 Ask for something bigger than what you actually want

Here's a good trick to get what you want from your parents. If you want a new bike for example, ask them for a car. If they say yes, bingo! A new car! If they say no, ask for a bike later so it doesn't seem as big of a deal as the car.

  • Phone to Phonecase
  • Car to Bike
  • Expensive Jeans to Cheaper Jeans
  • Basketball hoop to Basketball
  • Hair dye to Hair cut

Those are some good examples of things you could use the method for. Comment any other ideas you have for getting your parents to give you anything you want and I'll add it to my post!

Thanks for reading! Upvote if you enjoyed and check out my Pokemon contest if you are a Pokemon expert looking to win some money!!!

Thanks and stay awesome!


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