Five Ways to Stay Productive


The war against procrastination in order to be productive is a battle I fight daily. I’m in my fourth year in a BA English program. I’m taking six classes, mostly English courses and so that means a lot of reading and even more writing. I’m also a faculty assistant and that means leading tutorials and grading papers. I have an internship at a local church and I’m also an RA in the dorm. I have a lot going on every week and I need to be extremely disciplined to at least attempt to get everything done and keep good grades. Here’s a list of 5 ways I stay productive during my week:

1. Set Goals

This may seem counterintuitive, but it really is extremely important. That is step one to getting anything done. Be specific. Set daily and weekly goals. Prioritize what is the most important and pressing assignment that needs to get done, and then DO IT. Don’t take the time to set goals and then not follow through. But make sure that your goals can be realistically achieved or you may become discouraged and apathetic.

2. Find an Accountability Partner/Study Buddy

There is nothing more helpful than having someone to keep you accountable to the goals you set (and to yell at you when you’re distracted on facebook or youtube). I find it extremely helpful and encouraging to have homework parties with fellow students. We meet in the library at a certain time, and then we work on our separate assignments in silence for hours upon hours. It is encouraging to know you are not alone in drowning in a sea of assignments.

3. Create an Ideal Work Environment

The environment in which you do your assignments in is key to being productive. If you have a lot of work to do, you might as well get comfortable. Remove all distractions. Take off your shoes. Grab a blanket. Drink some tea, or coffee, or hot chocolate. Put on your favourite music (that isn’t distracting!). My personal favourite study playlist is movie soundtracks off of Spotify. Find a good location to work, like the library, a coffee shop, or your dorm room. If my work environment is relaxed and comfortable, I am more likely to be able to settle down, focus, and get work done.

4. Reward yourself

After you’ve finished an assignment or a goal for the day, reward yourself. You deserve it! It doesn’t have to be a big reward. Small things work too. It can be merely allowing yourself to take a break and watch a movie with a friend, eat a piece of chocolate from your Halloween stash, play a riveting game of Dutch Blitz – basically whatever! The point is: reward yourself for your hard work. A reward gives me motivation to work hard as well as something to look forward to.

5. Take Time to Rest

This could be considered the most important of the five. Working yourself to the point of exhaustion and sickness defeats the point of trying to be productive! My number one rule for myself is: No all-nighters. This may seem ludicrous for many students, but it is possible! I have never pulled an all-nighter in all my four years of university. Sleep is extremely important in order for your body and brain to function at the best of its capability.

Rest does not just mean sleep. Rest can come in many forms. Do something at least once a week that re-energizes you and gives you joy. This can mean going for a walk, having coffee with a friend, or having a movie-night. Be kind to yourself. I find rest in exercising because it is a physical effort rather than a mental effort. When you are sitting and thinking all day, everyday, it is nice to change things up and challenge your physical ability instead.


If I could summarize my thoughts in a single sentence: Being productive is a lifestyle and a mindset.


Do you agree with my list of five things?
What strategies do you use to keep yourself productive in your week?

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