The story of grandmother - Where is happiness?

In my 6 years old, my grandmother to tell me a story about "happiness". She said that:

In the old days, one day "Group" meeting goblins together to plan harm humans

A goblin said: "We should hide something precious human, but hide what now?".

After thinking, a goblin replied:

"I know, let's take away their happiness, they will be miserable day brings melancholy. But the problem is where to hide it now?

To hide somewhere where they can not find it! ".

One other goblin for comments:

"Try to throw it to the top of the highest mountain of the world to see".

But the idea was opposed immediately:

"Can not. People are very healthy, about climbing man can do. "

A goblin another idea:

"So we hide it down the deepest seas, OK?".

But the elves to simultaneously protest:

"No, people are curious. They will create a modern ship to go down to the sea floor. Then all

everyone will know ".

A young elf stood up:

"Or leave it in a different planet!".

However, an older elves replied:

"No, people are very clever. They are increasingly exploring the planet, sir. "

Everyone is thinking. Suddenly a decrepit old goblin stood up to express an opinion:

"I know I should be happy hide somewhere before! Let's hide it in the inner man. Most people are always trying search for happiness everywhere and always see other people happy than
themselves . Themselves are not never interest them. Hidden there, people never find it! ".

All elves agree with this solution, and since then, many people engrossed go for happiness without knowing it had been hidden within your soul!

Her story ended up. I ask myself in my 23 years is the time now. My happiness is where?


Simple happiness is righteousness in the heart of every person ...

Happiness is the simple things around us that did not have to search.

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