The magical moment that you find your inner peace!!

At one time, by chance, I had read in a book that if you can not find peace in your own self, then you will not find it anywhere else in the world. I did not give much importance to this phrase, though it was a bit of interest. After a while I understood the meaning of this phrase. Generally life is not easy, you will have a lot of hard times from the moment you are born but you will learn to rely on your feet and move on regardless of what's happening to you.


You never know what awaits you. From one moment to the other everything can change. You never know how life will be. Perhaps this is what afflicts humanity, ignorance. The fear of being unable to control tomorrow. That's what makes you, unable to calm down. Your mind suffers and ends up not calming down even in your sleep. Trying to find things which makes you able to forget and not feel, to escape from what tortures you, what burns you.


You are everyday fighting with your demons, trying to fool them in every way so that you can calm down. New hobbies, which almost always ends up tiring. Nights out with friends that make you feel more lonely than ever. Trying to find something through lukewarm people, Seeking lukewarm feelings just to fill-like your feelings of emptiness. So that you do not feel that pain that tortures you. Trying to calm your mind that never rests and makes you think continually.

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"Change job, make a long journey to see new things, learn a new art, find a man or a woman, do something to avoid dealing with your demons, Find a way to calm down. " But you know that whatever you do, none of these will help you find the peace you are looking for.

You must first reconcile with the demon within you. Only you are the one who can offer you peace. Understand that it is you, who will save you from that dark place that you think you live in. Understand how no one can give you the happiness you are looking for. Only YOU can do that -and you owe it to yourself.


When you find the peace in you, you will see that everything will change. Magically, as if a magician touched you with his stick and everything turned back bright. That magical moment you find the peace in you and nothing can change it. No one can shake this calm, this love, you built in you. When everything there seemed in vain and you appeared in front of deadlocks, Everything changes and you finally manage to master the monsters that control you till now, Show them that you alone handle your life and no one else.

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How right can the one who wrote that phrase eventually be. Because nowhere else in the world you can find peace, if you have not found it first in you. Search and see that everything starts with you.

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