Why you shouldn't give up on your dreams

I dream about becoming a successful internet marketer since I was very young. I truly believe the net gives us lots of opportunities (one big opportunity for us is Steemit) and I seriously want to earn money working online.

But I failed over and over again.

I don't mean I failed for 3 months, I've been failing on this since I was 14. It's been 4 years and, still, I've not made any serious money doing online projects. 

Everytime I start something new, I get really excited about it. I do my best to promote my activities, I enjoy doing the new job, and I dream about my future on the platform. Usually, I get burned. 

My Story

I started dreaming about having an online job when I was 13. I always loved to help people and live freely, and you can't do that with a 9-5 typical job in a rounded office.

At the age of 14, I decided to try out everything I could to make some cents online. I made my first dollar

I got excited because I made that dollar just by writing out on a social website. And I started planning. 

"Ok, if I post once a day and I advertise my post for long enough, it should get enough views to give me the type of revenue I'm looking for a single post. If I do that consistently, over a one year period of time, the money received by the platform may function as a starting point for my internet career".

That websites failed.

After some time, I discovered survey sites, paid to post sites (such as Bubblews), affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, CPI marketing, affiliate marketing, remote working, bitlanders, cryptocurrencies, and so on.

I tried everything. I wrote countless words in Italian, english and even a bit of Spanish I believe. I chatted with respectful millionares saying I was a great fit for the online world. I heard experts, I've listened to podcast, I've read thousands of online articles.

I followed online courses, joined secret online communities, paid to learn, paid to achieve success with a single article, and so on.

When I turned 16, I created my first website about LGBT topics. It now has 200 views/day and give me less then 100$/year. Definitely not a great income stream.

From 16 to 18 years old I made videos on Youtube, joined several "biz opportunities" and wasted a lot of money. 

When I turned 18, I spent over 350$ to build my new website. From 14 to 18 years old I've got many new skills, and at the age of 18 I was able to do pretty much every digital content. Even professional websites. 

This is the result: guadagnialternativi.it (don't worry, it has the SSL certificate on and the https activated - it's safe to visit). 

As you can see, it's pretty good. Especially from desktop.

It now receives less than 10 views per day. 

Afther that, I wasted over 500$ on useless stuff and useless hopes, until I learnt hope is not a strategy.

So I decided to invest money to make money. I'm now a financial partner for a big company here in Italy and I'm planning my next investments. It's not what I dreamt about, but this will give me the tools needed to shake my other businesses online. 

I'm now earning a decent income (not enough to live alone, but I'm on the right track) and I've got a job in the marketing industry thanks to the certificates I got along my learning story and my big experience in online marketing, content creation (especially content creation) and content marketing. 

I've not reached my goal yet. I don't have a full online job. But my past activities, mainly the educational ones, gave me the opportunity to be on the right track for the future. Learning is never a bad thing and making mistakes gives us the possibilities to learn better.

The point is

I've not achieved my goal yet. But my utterly amount of failures brought me to the point of sacrificing my attitude (by getting a "normal" job) to serve my superior desire. 

This job and those investments will give me the possibility to continue on the road I want to follow. The road to inspire people by the right form of content and the right form of marketing. 

My deepest dreams all relate to the ideology of a connected world with a great system to enhance people's opportunities and talents, and my passions for marketing and visual/written communication gave me the opportunity to go ahed even if all the odds were against me. 

I think everyone deserve to know this: your dream becomes an objective when you oppose your feelings with strategies. 

Will Rogers once said "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there". 

Go in front of the mirror and ask yourself "who I want to be? What's my plan? What's my dream? And how can I turn my dreams and plan to fulfill my deeper passions and desires?".

Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try. And every goal is reached thanks to education.

"The more you learn the more you earn", said Warren Buffett.

Here are some great quotes to inspire you follow your dream: 

And here's JK Rowling speaking about the benefits of failure:


I hope my story motivated some steemians to don't give up.

I failed for a long time and I'm continuing to fail each day every time I think my past tries have been wasted. But every biz opportunities I believed in and every post I wrote for free, have built my road. 

My job and my investments are not fulfilling my dream, but they're giving me the right tools (money and communities) to succeed in it. 

Life is unpredictable. And I'm the perfect example of that. I'm getting married at 18, I'm going to live with my future husband soon, and my entire life is random. Because I like it that way. I plan the future, but I live the day. And if the day doesn't turn out as it needs to for my future to become reality, I try to find opportunities on a daily basis to become who I want to be in the future. 

And that's what I've done with my internet marketing dreams too.

I've decided to step back for some time (maybe one or two years) doing something else (still, I don't choose a bad job, I actually like the company I'm going to work with and the agencies I've invested in) in order to get the right tools and succeed in the long run in stuff I really want to do.

I've decided to step back while not stepping back, basically. Since my life is random, I can't really predict anything. But I can predict my actions. Since my life is random, but my decisions are not.

So: do what you need to do in order to be happy. If your final dream is achievable doing stuff you don't want to do in the long run but are acceptable in the short term, do them. If your final dream is achievable doing stuff you hate, DON'T do them, since life is unpredictable and you don't want to lose your precious time, but instead find other routes that brings to the same result. 

I hope this little post inspired someone. 

Thank you and happy steeming!

PS: all images are self-made or taken from pixabay

PS(2): sorry for my bad english, I'm not a native speaker.

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