New Fashion Design that Defeats Facial Recognition Revealed this Week -- Breakthrough in Privacy Protection

Evading facial recognition technology is not easy. Today even phone apps have this capability. What can you do? For those of us who still value privacy it is becoming more and more challenging every year. Already, facial recognition technology is being deployed in stores allowing them to scan every shopper. (, 2015) Large tech firms such as Facebook, Google, and Microsoft who were caught collaborating with the NSA in mass spying on US citizens (, 2013) employ facial recognition technology (, 2014) where people can easily be profiled in a database. (, 2011)

Furthermore, it is impossible to walk through modern airports and now subways(, 2017)and KFC(, 2016) without your face being scanned and possibly stored in a long term database. According to a major report released in October 2016 by privacy advocates at Georgetown University, "one in two American adults is in a law enforcement face recognition network..." and "law enforcement face recognition is unregulated and in many instances out of control." Faces can even be recognized in the dark using deep neural networks and infrared imaging. (, 2015) For the longest time, the only way to beat facial recognition was to look at the floor(sunglasses do not work) but technology is even making this method obsolete.

Fortunately there is a privacy counter revolution taking place as well. Uveiled at this week's Sundance film fesival in Utah (, 2017)was Adam Harvey's most recent prototype of facial recognition scrambling fashion known as Hyperface.

Harvey, a pioneer of facial recognition scrambling designs, began using cometics, hairstyles(, 2010), and a stealth hoodie(, 2013) designed to fool facial recogntion software.

Two models wearing CV Dazzle styling. Photograph: Adam Harvey

Demo of Anti-Drone Burqa shot with FLIR handheld camera on 29th st in NYC. ©Adam Harvey


Stealth Hoodie (Source:

Harvey's move from cosmetics and awkward hair styles to textiles will most likely open this field up to a wider audience. Defeating facial recognition with clothing is perferred by many who do not want to sport the exotic and postmodern hair and makeup styles he orignally proposed.

Sample of textile design revealed at this week's Sundance Film Festival (Source:

HyperFace works by providing maximally activated false faces based on ideal algorithmic representations of a human face. These maximal activations are targeted for specific algorithms. The prototype above is specific to OpenCV’s default frontalface profile...HyperFace reduces the confidence score of the true face (figure) by redirecting more attention to the nearby false face regions (ground).

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