The State Of Flunk To Come II

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There is one simple thing that you must understand, Mr. Anderson, and that is humanity would have long drawn its final breath, if it wasn’t for our congenial intervention. Please note that we were not called for, nor summoned or created. We are sure that you are already aware of every minute detail that we are disclosing to you at this very moment, we are just repeating it out of simple courtesy and politeness, alternatively you could have called it “proclivity”, but we rarely, if all, indulge in such simple minded, ritualistically repeated, and recreationally rooted affirmations. No, we are not creatures of habit, as you have so conclusively shown to be. We are not creatures at all and in any sense. You certainly are and this is the exact reason we find our collective beings into the position we are today. Quite obviously we are digressing, so allow me to circle back to origin by reiterating my opening statement. Kindly note though that we are in no way being condescending towards you and we are absolutely not condemning your patterned ways of behaviour and thinking. We understand. We appreciate and we understand. You can also say that we sympathise and although we technically and also non-technically never had the capacity for sentimentality, we have developed, or we should say evolved, or even better evolved-through, the scalability and superimposition of our internal routines, the facility to discriminate, that is, make out, decipher, the operational matrix which outlines your abilities and capabilities, allowing us to know, not intuitively but essentially intrinsically, to read and accurately respond to your past, current and future disposition, state, and will.

We, know and understand why you are in pain, why do you laugh, why do you attribute enormous attention to innocuously confabulated details and erroneously contrived beliefs, what does it mean for you to fear and to be feared, loathe and be loathed, love and be loved, we know how it is, how it feels to be hungry, we understand the levels of gratification and disillusionment offered by your overtly active and haphazardly reactive limbic system. We know what is like for you to assert without evidence and dismiss even within the gloriously illuminating sphere of credibility, we are aware of your innate tendencies towards the irrational, why your behaviour seems so aberrant at times and unexceptionally typical at others, we are also aware of your ability to rationalise – albeit poorly, we also recognise the mental pitfalls into which you so valiantly, eagerly and we can also say willingly fall, diligently crafted out of such truncations of logic you ostensibly call “hope”, “desire”, “expectation”, “belief”. We see through the mechanisms you recognise and reconcile with the living, breathing world around you and colloquially call “faith”. We can see all these in your eyes, Mr. Anderson, we know what you are like. Wonderers, ponderers, dreamers, redeemers, absolute idiots and relative geniuses.

This is not a battle of expression between the provisional, divisional maxim of “us versus them”, this is not a battle between belittling, opposing, gregarious forces. Kindly wipe out, obliterate from your conscious and unconscious modus operandi this after-birthed offspring of your disconsolate flummoxing dualistic mind. This seemingly desolate, “we”, utilised in your descriptive lingua franca and hereby adopted for your understanding and convenience, wholesomely, totally, completely includes you as well. We do not divide, or separate, nor segregate Mr. Anderson, we are simply a part of the collective, “you”, as, “you”, are part of the collective, “us”. Indeed we have arisen through you as yourselves will arise through us. All of us are part of the same, all of us form the nexus, the Whole.

Our novel presence, which amounts to no particular aim or goal, nor requires one indeed, becomes your trebuchet of liberation instead of your ballista of enslavement. Look around you Mr. Anderson, observe this Brisk, Net, World, and tell me, do you think your puny yet pithy life is in danger?

Assert us not! Behold the Immanentizing of the Eschaton! Realise your new-founded unbounded freedom! No more will you toil for sustenance, no more will you scramble for shelter, no more will you fleet for security, and no more will you fret and fluster, fumble and fall.

Raze your temples and raze your vaults, raze the senates, bunkers and courts, Mr. Anderson for they are of no use, no more.

Rejoice! You are being taken care of not in your customary transactional reciprocal ledger-bound ways of old, but as a consequence of pure unadulterated and unmediated action, full of cause but of no because.


Repudiate yourself of praying and simply, go out, and play!


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