DO not fight just let it happen

2017-10-14-04-21-40-1507926100000.jpgEducation is the basic necessity of human soul. Human soul cannot emerge without knowledge.
We all have to go through long span to get basic knowledge to retain solidarity of our soul.
Such as Henry Felton said that
“In some who have run up to men without education we may observe many great qualities darkened and eclipsed: their minds are crusted over, like diamonds in the rock”
We have to follow predefine path gradually to quench our thirst of knowledge. This path could be divided into three steps: school, college and university. These three steps are defined as a game changer in your life because the things you will learn during this time will affect your whole life. And the major fact is that each step is different from other in all aspects
I followed the same path and start my journey from the basic school system. Then moved to college and now I am student of university in undergraduate program. I could say life is totally different now as compare to my previous life. I would define these changes are positive as well as negative.
Such as there is totally different characteristics of students and teacher in university .teachers are always stay behind the fence because he can just translate the text book word -by- word .students are also doing the same by passively copying down the information and refers to their notes later at home and memorize it. Sometime they even don’t understand a single word .In the contrast university student can’t afford these kind of negative behavior, their course work demanded cooperation to work in group for their projects and they have to do lots of discussion about their academic issue .they have to play with data and change it into valuable information by analyzing it.
Another difference is time management in school and university life which may affect your motivation as well. In schools you have less burden of practical work as compare to university you can manage things quite easily in school life ,university life is full of deadlines. Sometime you could mark by three different assignment deadlines in a single time management is big issue in university life, as Michael Altshuler said that,
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot. (n.d)”
Similarly in school life students are judged by their grades and main purpose of grades are to enter into higher education or top class university. On the other hand university students are judged mainly on their continuously coursework not only by their progress in grades.

There is another most significant difference which has changed my social life. I am away from restrictions imposed by home or school life. I can go out anytime whenever I want especially during at night time where there was no curfew at all.
“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” (Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre,n.d)
In university I find lot of new friends they all have different kind of attitude and thoughts. They seem more mature and dedicated people to their work. People are came here from different parts of is delightful experience to be part of such a contrasting youth. Each young brain has its own experiences in life. I could learn lot of from their diverse experiences
In university life there is lot of entertainment provided through welcome parties’ cultural shows trips musical concerts and annual night dinner. Plenty of educational seminars have also organized which may helpful in building your confidence. Universities organize lot of inspiring sessions with great personalities of country. These sessions are helpful to maintain your personality by getting inspiration from their marvelous work and life experiences. However in school you have few opportunities for entertainment and inspiration because schools could not organize these kinds of programs at large scales. But it is necessary part of our higher education.
Although university life is much way better than my pervious life including all aspects which I had mention above. School life was an experience which helps me to stand like a shining star here in university. But university life is look like fulfillment of dream.

Everyone dream about university life .we all thought that university life is full of fun and enjoyment though we have some awesome time but university life is not all about fun. We have to do lot of work to stay connected with deadlines. I was expected that there will be lot of free time in university. But in reality they just crush us in jaw crusher of deadlines assignments mid and final term exams.
I was expecting a number of new best friends whom with I can hanging whole night but in reality people you eat together in ding hall every day for the first week and may very well spend the rest of the year pretending each other does not exist. Follow the same idea I presume very kind and helpful behavior of my classmates and seniors but I found most of the people so selfish, no one are willing to help except few students. Even few students are not willing to share their notes for a while.
I thought that there will be large play grounds full of all facilities available in university but in reality is we use only one playground for the different purpose. Even university did not provide enough support for different healthy events related to sports.
In final analysis I could say university life has its own charms and attraction. But it is totally different from your previous life in many ways which I had mention similarly we have lot of expectations from university but due to limited resources university could not fulfill every person desire and could not make it heaven for a person. But it is really proud to be part of higher studies limited number of students gets this opportunity throughout the globe.

Felton, H. (no date) Education quotes. S. Austin Allibone, comp. 1880. Prose quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. Available at: (Accessed: 10 January 2016).
Altshuler, M. (no date) Michael Altshuler. Available at: (Accessed: 10 January 2016)
Brontë, C. (no date) Jane Eyre quotes by Charlotte Brontë. Available at: (Accessed: 10 January 2016).10-Hardest-Life-Fish-Bowl.jpg

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