Venezuela | Voices of a Fractured Economy

I am not a person of doing this type of publications, much less of wanting to give some kind of pity, what I want to share with you I do rather want to show a somewhat overwhelming situation in my country, Venezuela.

It is well known worldwide that we are going through an economic crisis, political and social too big where inflation increases almost per hour motivated by the mismanagement of this government where those who have been the main affected are the people.

The Venezuelan currently earns a salary of 18,000 Bs per month, an equivalent (to today's value), to $6.97 per month (I mean to today's value since the price is stipulated at the cost of the black dollar or the parallel market which, like inflation, fluctuates every hour).

It is not something new that this happens in Venezuela, in fact, since the arrival of the late President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias in 1999 and the country was beginning to have problems, only not so serious. It could be said that the crisis began to become very marked when Nicolás Maduro Moros took power, a man without a profession and without a hint of administrative management wanted to continue the path of the "socialist revolution" and led the country into chaos under their bad government decisions.

Motivated to all this, the prices of basic inputs have been increasing and have become incomparable articles for the consumer under inflation that already this by mark 10.000.000%.

Now, many will say: what about this?

Last night we were talking to a small group in the PAL community about Venezuela, where @bigdizzle91 and @soundwavesphoton made a small but admirable donation to me of 10 and 5 STEEM respectively, an act that was born from their heart without me asking them for any money, but that they themselves considered correct because of the crisis the country is going through and that they understood is a serious problem for us.

I used this money together with my own savings to buy food since, added to the economic problem, the crisis is worsening and products are scarcer and scarcer, where the recent political, social and military movements against the government can unleash something much worse, for which it is essential to have food.


The total amount was 35,515 Bolívares at the day's exchange rate is equivalent to $13.7 or 50.65 STEEM.

And these were the products purchased:


0.745 grams of tomatoes.
0.335 grams of Chives
0.895 grams of Potatoes
0.365 grams of Onion
3 garlic sauces
1 toothpaste (forget it in the photo)
1 Whole chicken
1/2 kg of cheese


Yes, maybe for you there are a lot of products at only $13.7 but this is where we go back to the beginning: The Venezuelan earns approximately $6.97 a month, this means that to get this portion of products must work a little more than 2 months, products that in turn for a family of five people can end up in a lunch or dinner (lunch + dinner if you yield products for both things). It's frustrating and sad to have to work so hard to get little.

Do you understand what I mean? The crisis has led the Venezuelan to boast a miserable salary, a salary that is not enough to cover even basic needs and a salary that, even if the whole family worked, would still mean a miserable amount to buy a food basket that covers the needs of a month. For this and more reasons Venezuela has been involved in robberies, murders, protests and other situations increasingly framed in the national route.

For this and more situations we see countries like the United States, Colombia, Canada, the European Union, among others, echoing their voice and wanting to turn Venezuela back into a democratic country, where interventionism and other media are on the table. What do they have interests? Yes, all countries have them, but I prefer a new and living democracy to continue suffering from the management of wealth in the hands of Russia, China and Cuba, who embezzled together with the government this land and little by little were ending the life of everything that already here.

Finally, I do not want to leave my land, I have a family, I have studies to finish and I have a life built to continue. I don't think anyone would want to leave their land and leave everything behind. We know as Venezuelans that this regime has little time left, the only thing I ask from the heart of all the Steemians who lie here and have the power to help someone with their vote: Read, value, cure. Many Venezuelans on the platform are talented and day by day they wake up to the uncertainty of what is going to happen on this earth or whether they will be able to have adequate sustenance to pay that day's bills. Therefore, in the hands of all of you whales, healing projects, independent curators, is the power to help, the power to change someone's life or give them a "joy" on a particular day.

Thank you for your reading and for your support.



Yesterday @preparedwombat sent me 10 STEEM in the form of solidarity towards me because of the crisis that the country is going through indicating that I should buy some food with it, they had an equivalence of 5817 Bolívares to the change of the day which together with a savings that I had gave a total of 15000 Bolívares (almost a salary of what we Venezuelans earn per month in a job and the equivalent of 30 STEEM).

Do you want to know that another combination of products can be bought with the equivalent of almost a monthly salary?


Two deodorants and a sandwich bread

I must thank you, I have no words to those who have done this for me, but in turn I feel sorry about it. I'm not looking to martyr myself, let alone receive donations from people, I want to show them how we live and understand how serious the situation is. Does it affect me? Yes, I am also suffering from the crisis, but in the blockchain I have been a person who takes his own steem to help others, I am a person who has been for a year as the leader of an incredible project such as @elarca and I am a person who rather than seeking to say "hey give me money" I want to say "adopt Steemians! Follow them, vote for them, comment their work! I know that Venezuela is not the only country with a crisis, but I believe that we are the only country that with a few dollars can receive a great deal of humanitarian aid from you.

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