It's a bad period for me

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I would just talk about me. I'm studying economy inVenice​e, the exam is hard but the stuff I​ hate is..I​ feel strangely​​y alone. I'm far from my home, Messina but the distance from my house get me sad. I live in an apartment​ shared with 3 girls​, the only man inside this house. But, it's like to live alone, everybody in the own room, my classmate are commuters and in this beautiful​ city I​ don't know anybody. And i woudn't use a strong word but i think I'm a little depressed. Not to long from now i had a bad situation with a girl and she destroyed my morale. And in this little room were i live everythink feel bad. Far from my friend in sicily far from my affection. It's not a stereotype here the italian is more cold than normal, we are i south more sunny, happy and enjoy the life. Here nobody talk in a bar, nobody keep in touch with you and are dark. I know the classical italy stereotype are beautiful and happy, but not here. By the way i don't know of to aacross this period full of delusion from friends, love and professionaly. Sometimes i feel like i get faint in any moment

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I don'k know how to do to get out from this period during one year untill now
I'm not asocial, but i feel i can't get some truly friendship with anybody, i don't trust anybody now, people would keep in touch with you because I'm good in university for have help or your univerity notes and after obtain that disapperar like a shadow in the night. In this my lonleyness i discovery crypto and steemit, i read to much but read is evil, because more you learn more you think and in this period ignorance is bliss. More you read more you discovery a world full of injustice. Sometimes i would disapperar in a cloud or in the pillows' fold. Taking refuge in the dream, sometimes I hope the time can get faster just for going to my bed and falling in a deep sleep, for meet with my internal souls and do a marvelous dream. But the dy coming for everybody, so i and study. And in my free time i write in steemit, just for feeling this sense of disconneting from the real word.

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And i don't know why, i discover this community and thanks at some of that, first of all @neoxian I found a family, a better family from the classical social network, were you share a artificial life. In you scrol my blog you can discovery why. Because i do plagiarism and the only guys give me another possibility and helped me was @neoxian.
But the love...guys love sucks, I tell my story

One of my flatmates have a boyfriend, he sucks, he treat her very bad. Like a tirannus order to do. I be friendly with her and she feel good when talking with me, like a good brother i try to get her better, and give some advice. But nothing, in this period it's better have a good look than have brain. She was sick to love from this guys...Little by liffle i falled in love a impossible love and impossible to get out from that, everytimes she suffer, recoiling I get more bad than her. But she loved him so after tryed to explai my sentiment she refused me. Ok i metabolise this but we don't talk anymore, justhave a normal life like flatmate.
I hope can i feel better one day hoping somebody save me from this dark edge

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